Abounding in Goodness and Truth
Abounding in goodness and truth (Exodus 34:6)…a God of truth (Deuteronomy 32:4) God reveals Himself as the God of truth in and through what He calls His word . At the heart of the Christian truth of the true God is the word of God.
In Himself, in His triune existence, the God of truth is the God of a word. His Son is the word in the Trinity, but also and only as being the word of the Father. Father and Son speak to each other, therefore, in the communion and love of the Holy Spirit. Their speech is this divine word, or, as we might say, the divine conversation of the triune covenant God.
This word is the wisdom of God, possessed of the Lord, we are told, at the beginning of His way, before His works of old ((Proverbs 8:22), established from everlasting, before there was ever an earth…daily His delight, rejoicing always before Him (8: 23, 30).
This word is also the expression of the eternal will of God, His counsel, His good pleasure with respect to all things God would create and everything He would do in this creation (Eph 1:11).
According to God’s eternal word, wisdom, and counsel God speaks this word outside of Himself, so that what is the expression of the divine wisdom, will, and life becomes a word by which God speaks into existence a creation:
by the word of the Lord were the heavens made (Psalm 33:6)… and
all things were made by Him (the word of God Who was in the beginning with God and God Himself!) and without him was not anything made that was made (John 1: 1-3)
The God of truth not only creates a creation by His word, whereby He does something true to Himself which speaks of Himself, but He enters this creation by His word so that
The word was made flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:14)
This word we know is the eternal Son, God in the flesh, Jesus Christ.
This, this incarnation of God in His Word is a wonder of the God of truth, the true God.
It is also an answer to prayers. for the saints of God on earth, do pray
Oh send out your light and your truth! Let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy hill and to your tabernacle… (Psalm 43:3)
Jesus, the word of God, is God’s light and truth sent upon earth.
God of truth with us.
Jesus, come from God, is light leading His own up to God’s holy hill.
Jesus, word from God, is truth leading His own to the tabernacle of God.
Mindful of that, we shall, by faith, follow. All the way…up.
From sin and shame,
plagues and panic,
to perfect peace
For such a time as this.
With you in Him, confiding in the Savior and His truth and love,
Pastor Dick
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