A young woman who I’ve talked to for more than a year - in and out of the doldrums of suicide, shame, and bondage - has been set free by the liberty of the gospel today. From childhood, she was sexually abused by her pastor in a church that’s supposed to preach Christ. Here is her confession of His saving work today, less than an hour after suicide came back to mind:
I feel like whether I was raised with a perfect childhood, I would have still come to this point.
The abuse is partly to blame
But also there is sin in me
The abuse just gave it a platform to manifest
Only grace can fix me
And it will
It took me a while to realize
My sister shared it with me today
She was abused too
She was living like me too
But she said it wasn’t until grace that she stopped trying to fix herself
Yes she has a child out of wedlock
She’s repented and living happy with Jesus
I can see her glow
But as for me I was trying to fix myself
Trying to cast out demons
Trying to be good enough
Instead of accepting the free gift
I was feeling suicidal because death is better than offending God who I have been trying to appease
But it seems he’s already been appeased
Because the Lamb was a worthy sacrifice
Could my zeal no respite know
Could my tears forever flow
Thou must save and thou alone
So just as I am
Straight from five or more relationships
God says come
And I hear him say child of weakness watch and pray
Cause Jesus paid it all
And yes maybe my therapist was right
Maybe I had a thousand Jezebels
But Jesus was able to cast out legions
I believe he has for me too
I cannot fulfil Deuteronomy 28-30 on my own
It is been fulfilled
I needn’t crucify myself
He’s already been crucified
As for behavioral change therapy
It is finished
On the cross
I needn’t do anything but come
And it’s not an emotion I feel
It’s an agreement with the Holy Spirit
It’s my spirit crying Abba father
It’s me saying I can confidently look into my former lovers eyes and say I am as white as snow
Though I was filthy
Though I was defiled
What can wash away my sin
And indeed nothing
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
He is my righteousness
Not the Bible that I can freely quote
No...not the church positions
I am free
Because of Jesus
Not because of this 40 day fast I was trying to do
There’s a sorrow that leads to death
This was the suicidal one
But there’s this one...
That has led me to the cross
Why I’m I saved?
Because of Jesus
Have I slept with over 10 men?
But Jesus paid it all
And for him I forsake all
No need to cast out Jezebel
She was eaten by dogs...
She’s defeated
She can’t dwell in me because I am a temple of the Holy Spirit
It was a sweet sweet sound
Even though I have heard it a million times
Of her telling me about God