Birthdays: Amy Hiers – Jan. 12th | Harold Riggins – Jan. 17th Jerry Wages – Jan. 17th | Javon Jones – Jan. 18th
“Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile.” (Psalm 32:1-2)
The whole scheme of works salvation is totally dependent upon man and looks inward for all hope, happiness, help, and holiness; making man the principle object of worship, preeminence and glory. But, the whole scheme of God’s salvation is dependent upon Jesus Christ, the appointed Mediator and Substitute for sinners. This scheme of salvation looks God-ward for all hope, happiness, help, and holiness; making Jesus Christ the principle object of all worship, preeminence and glory. “God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ.” The grand design of God’s salvation is the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ (John 17:4-5). —Copied
“But as He which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation” (1 Peter 1:15).
As true believers, we are all to strive for perfect conformity to the Lord Jesus Christ in thought, character, and conduct. We are to do this in spite of the fact that we know, from God’s Word and from experience, that we will not attain such perfection in this life (Rom. 7:14-25). We are to do this, not to make ourselves righteous before God to be justified in His sight. We are justified before God solely by the merits of Christ’s righteousness imputed to us. This is the only perfection we can rightfully claim in this life. But we are to strive for perfection as an expression of our gratitude and love to God for His great mercies bestowed upon us through Jesus Christ our Lord. We desire to glorify and honor Him in our lives. But “be ye holy” is not primarily an expression of sinless perfection that we cannot attain in this life. It is God’s command for us, as His chosen, justified, redeemed, and regenerated people, to be SEPARATE from the world. Just as God Himself is separate (unique, incomparable, one-of-a-kind), as His true children, we are to be separate from all things and all persons who dishonor our God and Savior. This certainly would include our separation from people who promote immoral behavior (1 Cor. 6:9-11), but it also includes our separation from people who promote false religion – self-righteousness, free-willism, and worship of idols (including false Christianity). This, too, is immoral in God’s sight. Our Gospel separates us from false religionists because they promote salvation by the works and the wills of men rather than salvation by the works and the will of God alone in Christ, which is salvation by His grace. —Pastor Bill Parker
The following is an article printed in our bulletin a few years ago. It states a vital truth of which we all need to be reminded. May the Lord be pleased to cause us all to give heed to His truth –
Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip. (Hebrews 2:1)
If while walking on the seashore we came upon a man standing ankle-deep in the water casually casting diamonds into the ocean, we would most certainly consider that man insane. At best we would say he is ignorant, not knowing the value of diamonds. But such a man is more reasonable than one who has been providentially blessed by God to be sitting under the preaching of the glorious Gospel of His free and sovereign grace in Christ Jesus only to drift on by without paying attention to what he/she is hearing. On several occasions when revealing truth, the Lord said, “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear” (Matt. 11:15, for example). Yet man by nature refuses to hear. Some refuse because they are indifferent. Some refuse because they consider other things, such as the affairs of this world, to be more important. Others refuse to hear because they do not want to be converted to a message that would demand them to forsake their false hopes and refuges. Others refuse to hear because they do not want to face the persecution that comes from the world (especially family and friends) when we identify and proclaim this Gospel that leaves no room for sinners to boast. But let’s be clear – THERE IS NOTHING MORE VALUABLE OR MORE ETERNAL THAN SALVATION BY GOD’S GRACE IN THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND BASED ON HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS IMPUTED AND RECEIVED BY GOD-GIVEN FAITH. There is no better or greater news for one who has been convinced by the Holy Spirit of sin. It is better news than if we were to hear that we won the lottery. It is better news than to hear that we (or one of our loved ones) has been cured of a deadly disease. It is better news than to hear others brag on our character and conduct. It is the only news that will stand the test of God’s final judgment – “Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God’s elect? It is God that justifieth. Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us” (Rom. 8:33-34)