BIBLE CLASS – 10:00 a.m. – Brother Robert Margeson
MORNING WORSHIP – 11:00 a.m – Brother Randy Wages
HYMN – God Leads Us Along - 298
READING – Romans 5:1-10
MESSAGE – Chastening and its Fruit – Hebrews 12:1-11
CLOSING HYMN – He Leadeth Me - 295
Birthdays: Monica Hayes – Dec. 29th | John Pedersen – Dec. 30th Patricia Pannell – Dec. 30th | Becky Wages – Dec. 31st William Sparks – Jan. 4th
I am in Ashland, KY, spending time with my family. I will be back at the end of the week and be here preaching on the first Sunday of the new year (January 5, 2016). Please keep us in your prayers. – The Pastor
Fellowship meal following.
The doctrine of grace distinguishes true Christianity from all other religions. We are told explicitly in God’s Word that He saves sinners by grace, not by works (Eph. 2:8-9; Titus 3:5). In other words, any who are saved come to God receiving the gift of salvation, a gift that they cannot and do not merit. That is, salvation is not conditioned upon them in any way, to any degree. God says that by man’s efforts and actions (man’s works) that none are justified before Him (Rom. 3:20; Gal. 2:16-21). So what is grace? GRACE IS SALVATION CONDITIONED ON CHRIST ALONE. Do you see how, then, the Gospel of God’s grace is truly the great equalizer of all? Male or female, black or white, rich or poor, smart or dumb – all are helpless to produce that which God requires. Any and all that are saved are saved by grace – that is, based upon the merit of Christ’s work alone (Gal. 3:28-29).
—Randy Wages (Excerpt from Strait Talk About Eternity)
It is not true faith to trust Christ only when you feel you are saved. True faith is to trust Christ at all times; whether you feel like you are saved or not; when you have a deep consciousness of your sin and when you don’t; when you have assurance of faith and when you are faith is so weak you wonder if you have faith at all. A person is not saved because he feels saved nor because he is aware of his sinfulness. A person is saved when he trusts Christ – His blood for redemption and forgiveness of sin, his righteousness for acceptance with God; when he commits all to Him as the “Author and finisher of our faith.” Our feelings may change by the hour, but our salvation is not dependent on our feelings; it is dependent solely on Him who never changes – “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever!” —Copied
The Gospel preacher is to be neither a speculator who invents new doctrines and new definitions as it pleases him, nor an editor who excises old doctrines which displease him, but a steward, God’s steward, dispensing faithfully to God’s household the truths committed to him in the Scriptures, nothing more, nothing less and nothing else. —Copied
Pastor Bill Parker
Once again, we come to the close of another year. To say that the last two years have been times of trial for me and my family, as well as for you who know and love us, would be an understatement. 2018 was the year in which the Lord, in His wisdom and goodness, was pleased to bring us through the hardest trial we have experienced here on this earth. It was the year that He was pleased to take our dear son, Aaron, from us and bring him into His own loving arms. As much as we miss him, and as much as we still hurt over our loss, it is comforting to know that 2018 was the year that by God’s grace in Christ, Aaron was brought into his eternal home.
I know that many of you also experienced the loss of loved ones in these last two years, and we can weep together knowing the pain and sorrow of such trials. As we look back on 2019, we know there were good times and bad times as we count them, but we also know that all times are in God’s sovereign will and plan for our lives (Psalm 31:15-16; Eccl. 3:1-8; Isa. 46:9-11; Rom. 8:28). Our God truly works all things after the counsel of His own will and all things for His glory and our good.
If we would survey this past year, we would find once again that we have so much for which to be thankful, and we should spend some time thinking about this. Let us be thankful that we believe the glorious Gospel of our sovereign Lord and Savior, that God has given us eyes to see and ears to hear and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us be thankful that we are kept by our Lord through the Holy Spirit Who keeps us clinging to Christ and pleading His righteousness alone for our whole salvation.
I thank God for your love, prayers, and your generosity towards me and my family, for your support of the Gospel, and your faithfulness in this ministry. Let us all pray that God will continue to bless us in the coming year and grant us the privilege of being able witnesses of His Gospel in this lost world and good stewards of His grace. Let us show our gratitude not in words alone but in actions as we seek more and more to worship God, to love Him more, and to love each other in the truth and to love and pray for their salvation.
Thank You, Lord, for saving my soul; Thank You, Lord, for making me whole; Thank You, Lord, for giving to me Thy great salvation, so rich and free.