1 Corinthians 10:31 - Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
What is your goal? Do you have one? Is your goal big or small? Our goals give us direction. They give us something for which we can strive. We need to have goals in our life. People who live without goals often go nowhere. They never change or grow. People who live with the wrong goals end up going in the wrong direction. People who do not have the best goals end up not going far enough.
If your goal is to win souls, that would be a good goal, but there is more to the Christian life than winning souls. If your goal is to edify other believers, that is a good goal, but there is more to the Christian life than edifying other believers. If your goal is to know God, that again is good, but there is more to the Christian life than knowing God. We could have the goal of fellowship or even of giving. All of these things are good and should be things that are not left undone, but none of these should be THE goal.
Our goal day in and day out, individually and as the church should always be to glorify God. I once heard someone define glorifying God as giving the right opinion of Him. If your goal is to give the right opinion of God, to glorify Him, then you will win souls, you will know God, you will edify other believers, you will have fellowship with other believers, and you will give. It is the right goal. When we seek to glorify God we will go in the right direction (Ps. 37:5). It is the high calling of God that we should press toward. It is the reason we were created.