"Joseph's Farewell" Hebrews 11:22 & Genesis 5:14ff We often pay attention to the promises of Abraham. There was also a "dark time" before the Lord would lead His people into the promise land. Abraham's seed would be as the sand on the seashore and enter into the promise. In a period of 300 years, God had His people in the persecution of his seed. We now see the faith of Joseph even though there was "not a cloud in the sky" and Joseph wanted to give testimony to the promise to the people even to the point of making them take an oath regarding his very bones after death. We too die just like Joseph and ought to die in the same faith and conviction being a testimony to our promise in faith!
Rooted in faith: He died in faith and gave large expression to it in his life understanding the very history that was to come to pass. When a man dies, it is always a telling time in a man. By faith he took hold of the promise and he spoke of that promise freely and openly! Even taking an oath of the people to promise him that they would take his bones into the promise land! The focus is not here below, but always on the heavenly land! They desired a better country that was heavenly and in faith he declared that faith to his very children and grand children having the full knowledge and confidence! Joseph understood and took hold of it! And we have the same promises that He is OUR GOD and will lead us and it becomes our confidence being a spiritual knowledge!
Evidenced in life: We too can see the promise. The final end and the resurrection of the body. And with that in view Joseph freely spoke of it to Israel and based his oath on that oath given to Abraham! What are we going to say as we live and especially when we are dying? We often want a celebration of our life, but Joseph wanted a celebration of God's promise! That should be the funeral message as God spoke to Abraham, to Joseph, and as He speaks that promise to you and me as we have knowledge that surpassed those in the old testament of the same promise! He exhibited this in his life. Egyptians were second to none in embalming and burial practices, but Joseph did not want any of it, emphasizing the glory of the promise of God amidst all the "glory of Egypt." While others were building "treasure cities" Joseph's bones were there with the people as a continual testimony to look forward to the promise...a very vivid contrast to all who wanted to return back to Egypt.
Surely rewarded: This was because he know that Christ would come again! What about us? We cannot keep our bones with our children as he did....but we MUST make our testimony in our life while we are still living! By two immutable oaths it was established and God cannot lie. And that's the way it is and we have to be a testimony! Sad to let go, but only temporarily to serve with God in that final glory! God fulfilled the typical but unless they saw the promise they missed the entire thing! And now Joseph is in heaven and cries with those souls under the alter "how long O Lord?"
And we stand like Joseph and say "remember my child and children, that my bones give testimony that God will come again, and He will gather all His saints and will make the same promise He made to Abraham and Joseph come true! It is sure! We can know and believe it! We can and will give testimony to it to our children and their children! What a joy!
Does your daily life and living give testimony to the promise we have also?