The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry. The face of the LORD is against them that do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth. The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. Psalm 34:15-17
Speaking Right Things of God
Lying on someone is never acceptable, lying on God is damming. To say that God loves everyone, when the scripture says God hated Esau is a lie. Telling people that Jesus Christ died to save every one, and yet there are multitudes in hell is a lie. Telling people that their will is free, when the scripture teaches us that man is under bondage to sin and Satan, is a lie. Either tell the truth or shut up. “Hear; for I will speak of excellent things; and the opening of my lips shall be right things.” (Proverbs 8:6)
Pastor John Chapman
Real Conversion
Long ago men accused Jesus Christ of revolution and blasphemy and PUT HIM ON A CROSS. Today’s religionists, while claiming to believe in His Word, have PUT HIM IN A SANCTUARY. There, amid soft music or hearty singing, the chant of the liturgy or shouts of amen, He can be talked about and worshipped without interfering with their lives. Souls can be “saved” without disturbing the other relationships, partnerships, and patterns they have established.
Those who put Him on the cross, hoping to be done with His judgments and demands for their complete submission to His Lordship, were no more deceived than those who have tried to relegate Him to church buildings or the worship of Him to a Sabbath day.
Real conversion cannot mean anything other than the dedication and committal of the total self to the Lord Jesus Christ. Today’s presumption is that God exists to serve and provide for us, whereas Scriptures indicate that our chief end in life is to glorify God!
Do not come to worship Him in here if you do not walk with Him out there!
Pastor Henry T. Mahan (bulletin 1985)
I had an associate once who was a self-proclaimed atheist. He asked me if I could prove to him that the Bible was the Word of God. I told him no. That was something that only God could do. He then asked me if I could prove to him that there was a God. I told him no! That was something that only the Bible, God’s Word could do.
Pastor David Eddmenson
In Memory of Pastor Henry Mahan
“…as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!” (Romans 10:15)
Our dear and greatly loved brother and pastor, Henry Mahan, physically saw the Lord Jesus Christ Friday morning for the first time. At 92 years of age; after 68 years in the ministry and service of the Lord Jesus Christ, he was awarded his goal and prize of being allowed to behold th e absolute glory of God in the face of his beautiful Redeemer. He now knows what our Lord’s facial features look like. He knows what color His eyes are; and what color His hair is. He has now heard the tone of His voice, felt the touch of His embrace, and smelled the sweet smelling savour of His purity.
After more than 60 years of physically preaching the gospel of Christ, he is right now listening to the gospel being preached BY Christ! Everything that he saw dimly before, he now sees in radiant Light! Everything that he scratched the surface on before, is now being declared to him in the breadth, length, depth and height of its absolute entirety! What he could not utter with a man’s mouth before, he now hears with the tongues of angels!
We do not lift up men, but we do acknowledge our true thanks to God for the men that spent their lives lifting up The Man, Christ Jesus the Lord of glory! And oh how we acknowledge our thanks to God for raising up His servant, and our dear brother, Henry Mahan. Even though he pastored many directly, he has been a pastor to all of us indirectly. And even though our loss of him brings sorrow to us, it also brings great joy knowing the glory of what he is experiencing right now at the feet of our Savior. Till we meet again, we will miss him, we will love him, and we will thank him... All because of the message he preached! All because of the Savior he honored! ALL for Christ’s sake! To HIM be glory both now and forever. Amen! Pastor Gabe Stalnaker