Birthdays: Kelsey Jones – June 9th | Smith Flynn – June 11th Wilma J. McLarry – June 12th
Man in his rebellion against the Creator remains incurably religious, and he seeks to satisfy this instinct by making his own deities. He much prefers these lifeless puppets to the one true and living God, because they allow him to pull the strings. —copied
Jesus, God our Saviour,
Emmanuel, God with us,
Alpha and Omega, First and Last, Beginning and End,
The Anointed One,
God and man in one person without sin, Messiah,
The Seed of Woman, The Son of man,
The Word, in the beginning and before,
The Good Shepard
Surety, Saviour, Redeemer,
Author and Finisher of our faith,
High Priest, King of Kings,
Mediator, Author and Perfector of faith,
Bread of Life, I AM,
Lamb of God, Rock, Prince of Peace,
The Word of God
The scriptures hold His many names, but none identify Him more than that work He finished for His Father’s glory. That salvation conditioned on nothing less than Jesus’s perfect righteousness alone. That perfect righteousness demanded by His Father and the debt paid in full for His elect at Calvary’s cross, made an “end of sin” (Daniel 9:24). So glorious our God, in revealing how He can be a “just God and a Saviour” (Isaiah 45:21), through this gift of grace to those that deserve nothing but “the wages of sin” (death) (Romans 6:23). Sending proof of this finished work in His resurrection, seated “at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us” (Romans 8:34). OH, HOW GLORIOUS OUR GOD!
—Timothy Pannell
Faith receives that righteousness by which we are justified, and therefore cannot be that righteousness itself. That which is laid hold on, and embraced by faith, must needs be something different from it, as the act and the object are distinct. Christ's righteousness is that to which the faith of a believer looks, and on which it wholly depends for justification before God. Therefore, faith is not the matter of his justifying righteousness. —John Brine
The true Gospel of God’s grace places all of the conditions of salvation (all of its blessings and benefits) upon the Lord Jesus Christ Who fulfilled all of those conditions by His obedience unto death as the Surety, Substitute, Redeemer, and Preserver of His people whom the Father chose and gave to Him before the world began (John 6:37-45).
All false gospels place some or all conditions of salvation upon sinners in some way, to some degree, at some stage. They are always exposed by their claim that God has done “his part” to save us, but we have to do “our part” to make it effectual for our salvation. These false gospels deny the Gospel truth that God is absolutely sovereign and just, and that man is absolutely dead spiritually in trespasses and sins. They deny the effectual, powerful, and finished work of Christ to redeem His people from their sins and insure the complete salvation of all for whom He died and arose from the dead. They make Christ’s death on the cross totally ineffectual to save anyone unless sinners put their stamp of approval upon it.
The true Gospel sets forth in preaching the glorious Person of Christ as God manifest in the flesh, and the accomplishment of His death on the cross to demand and insure the salvation of all for whom He died. His obedience unto death is the righteousness of God which God has freely imputed to all of His chosen people for their justification and complete salvation. This salvation includes the gift of faith by which all for whom Christ died receive and rest in Christ for all salvation. It includes the gifts of repentance and perseverance in the faith by which all for whom He died turn from their dead works and cling to Christ for all salvation. The true Gospel shows that if we have Christ, we have all that God gives in the gift of salvation. —Pastor Bill Parker