"The Office of Mercy" Hebrews 2:17, Psalm 132:15 & Psalm 132 The office of deacon has fallen on hard times and in many churches it has lost its function completely. Many try to serve amidst "road blocks." We too have trouble from time to time and often relegate the office to the financial aspects of the office. It is "in trouble" among us as well then. We often ask "what is the function of the office?" Scripture does not give an explicit handbook on the office as we would like, but we dig deep into scripture to uncover the answer. We know some basic things about the office of deacon:
1. It reflects the priestly aspect of Christ.
2. It covers mercy...servitude.
3. The old testament has many examples of the care of the indigent with mercy. A picture that speaks to us in the time of liberty and serves us well.
Character: It must be first explained from the threefold office of Christ. In the old testament there could be no poor in the land of Canaan, a picture of heaven. No poor! God provided various laws so that it was a true and very real picture. Even a stranger in Canaan had nothing to be ashamed of while he was there a God was his caretaker. (Exodus 22:21ff, Deuteronomy 14:28ff, the rules of gleaning, returning pledge to the fatherless before nightfall, and so on.) God ALWAYS took care of the fatherless and needy in Canaan ALWAYS! Later in scripture the office is established and later in Titus and Timothy the requirements of this office is established. And though scripture gives no further handbook we see things in the old testament as they ran smoothly from a legalism with the laws given. And it takes much more work in the new dispensation in the law of liberty. (Liberty is always harder that legalism.) They are to reflect God's heart to His people (even as Christ did in its most beautiful example on the cross.) He was a merciful High Priest and we cannot stop at just God's mercy on the cross as it would be a mistake. "We have freely received all things!" (Christ has compassion on the multitudes, healed the sick and lame, has compassion on many.) Compassion! Bowels of mercy...the inference that it affects the INMOST BEING of a person! Christ made it His meat and drink even before the atonement! Mercy and compassion!
Function: The faithful and diligent gathering of grateful offerings, relief of needs with gifts and words of kindness and compassion! If only we looked at our small confessions. a) A communal responsibility. God's people give thanks to God! It is required (benevolent fund) and it is part of worship! It is our worship of God for all His blessings...a token of God's riches given to us and a returning unto the Lord! (also a representation of the whole!) There is nothing negative to give or RECIEVE from the benevolent fund! b) Prevention of poverty. A "prickly" phrase where no man is an island. OUR Father. There should be a prevention of poverty! We need to pray for our deacons for their faithful accessing of these needs. c) To distribute God's gifts HUMBLY and CHEERFULLY among those who are in need. We deal with God who deals with His people providentially and whether we give or receive it is HIS providence! d) With kindly words and deeds! No office stands behind the other office of Christ. The word of God (Bible) is the sole kindly word that MUST be spoken in ALL ISSUES. Financial, security, loneliness? The word of God! The same Christ that leads will address with the word and with deed. The antidote of all ills that encompass from time to time!
Jealously guarded: It is God who cares for all of us and our CALLING to bring His blessing. It is the deacons CALLING to exercise it on our behalf. What a calling. May the deacons be faithful to it. Let us and the church be faithful to it!