As I watch, listen and read the news and events taking place around the corner and around the world as a child of God I have noticed something very important missing from every article, broadcast and post. What is missing is a witness and testimony of Jesus Christ! I’m not talking about a faith leader trying to influence a political party or stir up support for a candidate, no I’m talking about a witness for the Word of God. Three of the hottest topics we hear about are; abortion, LGBTQ and fornication. All of them and their spin offs are constantly discussed in a legal, constitutional context. I understand why and do not suggest this cannot or should not take place. I do believe the first context should be a moral one.
The morality I speak of is not a social, cultural or legislative morality; it is a biblical morality. Some of you reading this may say; I don’t believe in God or the Bible. Okay, maybe you don’t but you are drawn to it or you not be reading this. Because you’re reading this, the Holy Spirit is trying to open your heart and mind to the context of God’s word, our Bible. Enough about the naysayer.
I am writing this to the born again Christian, the man or woman, husband and wife who attend and support the local church by attendance and participation on a regular basis. During the twentieth century, the church gave away their influence in society and government. We often want to say the government took it away, but we know that isn’t true. The church was silent when liberal theology crept in from Europe. The church was silent and blindly followed this theology to the point of allowing government the influence into what we thought about the Bible and how we acted upon it. Our silence was obvious when the Johnson Act was passed. Our silence was an approval of Roe vs. Wade. Our silence led the way for removal of prayer from public schools. Our silence paved the road that we walked down for politicians and governments to redirect our passion to their agenda’s. Our silence empowered the LGBTQ movement, allowing it to strengthen its influence to the point we see today.
I realize some reading this will take exception, and the paragraph above does speak in a very broad manner. Before you close this and write it off finish reading the article. The silence spoken of is twofold. First, the church quit taking a specific stand on social problems that are our responsibility. We quit teaching about family in our Sunday Schools and Bible studies. We quit teaching about marriage being a covenant between three, God, husband and wife. We quit teaching about divorce and whole counsel of God’s word regarding it. We quit teaching about our responsibility to God and Him alone; I speak of the triune Godhead. We quit teaching about prayer and how powerful it is when done properly. We quit teaching the Bible as being the inerrant, inspired Word of God having total authority over all creation. We quit teaching so much. These are only examples. Second, the silence is a testimony of our distance from God. This distance will close when we, the church, realize our condition, repent of our condition and seek revival among our congregations. The result will be a falling away of people who are social engineers that have infiltrated the congregation of the redeemed. The result will be wider poverty for the congregations. The result will be pastors and leaders leaving because the prosperity no longer exists. The result will be a return to worship that lifts up Jesus Christ. The result will be persecution of the church, heavenly power returning to the church, Gods hand felt in a greater way than at any time in over a hundred years.
A biblical morality is lacking and it is on display through abortion, LGBTQ, fornication, pornography and the many plagues that are destroying us. I’m not suggesting we leave the political scene, the social scene, or walk away from cultural influence. I am stating we need to look at how we approach them and return to a God first perspective without any agenda to a political party or politician. Pray for the authority of God’s Word to have the lead in the lives of everyone. Pray for and seek the salvation of all. God changes people through the heart first leading to a relationship that changes the lifestyle. This change comes without any legalism or legislation. Church let’s return to our true morality the power of Jesus Christ!