What a wonderful Mother's Day we were able to have here at GSBC. I am so thankful for those that were here in service as well as praising God for the 3 that were baptized and 2 that joined the church. May we continue to rejoice and praise His holy name for what God is doing. The key to all of it is to remain faithful to Him each and every day of our lives.
I forgot to mention that this coming Saturday is a men's fellowship at the Landmark Baptist Church in Loudon if any of the men are interested in going. It is scheduled for 5-8 PM. It is a meal, fellowship, and service and a wonderful time together with some like-minded men from some other churches. The cost is $10/person but includes steak tips and chicken dinner. It is definitely worth the price to go. Please respond back via email or text if you are interested in attending the meeting so I can give an estimated number in preparation for the food. It is only about 10 minutes from the church so we could leave here just before 5 if you would like to or some could meet us there. Just please let me know.
Have a great week as you remain faithful to the Lord. God is so great and wonderful,