God sure did give us a great Resurrection Sunday together as a church family. I am so thankful for everyone that was able to gather with us for the Sunrise service at the Capitol and then throughout the morning. God has been continuing to thrill my soul about the empty tomb and that we, in return, can live a full and abundant life in Christ. It is my prayer that you have been living in resurrection power every day this past week. Today, I am at Sylvania Hills Baptist Church in Rochester, PA with some of our teenage young men. I am so thankful for the time to spend with them yesterday at a Youth Rally and today in service. We will be traveling home tomorrow so please keep that in your prayers. It is wonderful to have Bro Richard and Lee-Ann Paasch here at the church today. They have been faithful servants of the Lord for years and faithfully labors with us in the prisons of Rhode Island and serves as Assistant Pastor at the Curtis Comer Baptist Church. I know you will make them feel welcome as they minister in my absence. They are a great blessing and I know they will be an encouragement to you today. You are loved and Prayed for and thank you for remaining faithful to the Lord. Pastor Chamberland