The Believer’s State in This World (1) – Romans 7:14-20
MORNING WORSHIP – 11:00 a.m –
OPENING – Psalm 105:1-7
HYMN – There is a Fountain – p. 222
READING – Galatians 3
MESSAGE – Who Is Every Man? (4) – Hebrews 2:16-18
CLOSING HYMN – Break Thou the Bread of Life – p. 176
Birthdays: Mills Fuller – March 31st
We will serve the LORD’S SUPPER following the messages this morning. All believers are invited to join us in this blessed memorial ordinance commanded by our Lord to all true disciples. After our worship services, we will have lunch in our dining hall. Everyone is invited to eat with us and enjoy a time of visiting with each other.
The hymn states, “There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel’s veins.” What exactly is this blessed and glorious fountain? It is the fountain of God’s free and sovereign grace in the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is Himself “Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us” (Matt. 1:23). As God manifests in the flesh, the Lord Jesus Christ shed His own precious blood unto death to pay the sin-debt of all His people. God’s Word tells us that “where sin abounded, grace did much more abound” (Rom. 5:20). Grace can only “abound” (increase) based on a just ground, and that just ground is the merit of Christ’s blood which is His righteousness imputed to His people. The merit of Christ insures that no sin can be imputed to God’s people for whom Christ died and arose from the dead. The merit of Christ insures that God justifies them and gives them eternal life. This fountain of blood is truly a fountain of life for all whom God brings to faith in Christ and true repentance (Psa. 36:9; Rev. 21:6). We who are sinners saved by God’s grace are keenly and ever aware of Christ our Fountain and thank God for Him every day. —Pastor Bill Parker
A child of God is like a person in a beautiful palace. If there is light in it, he sees the splendid objects around him, and enjoys them. But, if the light is removed, he is nevertheless in the palace still, and surrounded with the same splendid objects as before, though he cannot see them. So, though the believer’s frames and sensible comforts may have their ebbs and flows, his state, Godward, is invariably the same.
—Augustus Toplady
Oh! pray then, that you may be enabled to "live unto the Lord," — to live truly, usefully, and acceptably to Him whose you are, and whom you are bound by every tie of love and gratitude to serve! Pray that you may have grace to travel onward through life with Christ acknowledged in every step entwined with every affection as the source of each joy, and the sharer of each sorrow, of your personal history. Let your walk be one of firm, unshaken faith in your Savior-God! Go to His inexhaustible fullness with every need! Go to His tender sympathy with every sorrow! Go to His prevailing grace with every infirmity! Go to His precious blood with every sin! Draw all your strength and grace from Christ and seek earnestly the aid and anointing of the Holy Spirit. And whether in prosperity or in adversity, you will be able to accomplish that which will bring glory to God, happiness to those around you, and peace and comfort and serenity to your own soul!
—John McDuff
The Gospel ordinances of believer’s baptism and the Lord’s Supper were given to the New Testament church by the Lord as public testimonies and memorials of the sovereign grace of God in saving His people through the meritorious work of the Lord Jesus Christ. These ordinances are not sacraments; for the word sacrament describes something that has power to save. Only Christ has the power to save sinners from their sins. These ordinances are not conditions for attaining, applying, or maintaining salvation. The grace of God based on the blood and righteousness of Christ is the only condition that attains, applies, and maintains salvation for sinners. Believer’s baptism is just what it says – a true believer’s public testimony of his salvation already attained, applied, and maintained by Christ. It is a public confession of salvation already accomplished and a public identification with Christ and His church. The Lord’s Supper is a memorial of Christ as our Surety, Substitute, and Redeemer, Who by His death fulfilled all the conditions required to save us to the uttermost. Unbelieving men want to take these ordinances and corrupt them by making them in some way meritorious works for and/or in their salvation, but God’s Word is plain. Believer’s are to follow the commandments of Christ NOT TO BE SAVED, BUT BECAUSE WE ARE ALREADY FULLY SAVED BY GOD’S GRACE THROUGH THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF CHRIST. —Pastor Bill Parker