The 10th Commandment LD44 We note that Lord's day 44 seems NOT to speak about covetousness very much before we come to the last question and answer and see that the law points us to our nature and out need to both see our nature and our justification with our need for a sanctified and holy life. After looking at the law of God we "look in the rear view mirror" now!
It is true that the word covet is not found in this Lord's day and know full well that what is not given we should not covet as God dispenses as HE sees fit. Biblically, we may covet the best gifts..the office...but here we are dealing with it negatively with the heart that yearns for something that our heart pines for that is NOT ours. Even the smallest inclination of the heart (as with the entire law) is brought to the fore here. 1. Negatively: we may not be inclined against the commandments in any sense of the word. It is from the heart and we may have no negative inclinations against the law! This is true even though it stands directly opposed to the world's philosophy and the devil himself directly. To thin about or lust after is a violation. 2. Positively: The law of God principally needs to be the desire of the heart in a sanctified, new, and holy life!
We now face reality in the truest sense. The mirror reflects who we really are. It asks us IF we can keep the law. Notice this is not asking DO we, but CAN WE?! It focus' on who we are by nature....our struggle with the old man, and points us to who we are and making us well aware of it! We have only a very small new beginning...a principle within us in our Lord Jesus Christ in the body of this flesh as it "wars with our members." The new man begins so pure in principal. We always have the struggle of the old man continually however! We have only a small beginning of that new obedience! It is from a child of God that knows himself and yearns for the new man that asks himself the question "why must we so strictly preach these things?!"
It is out of necessity. Three things:
1. That we may learn more and more our sinful nature and seek redemption in Christ.
2. Earnestly pray for the forgiveness of our sins and the grace of God and the Holy Spirit and that we depend on the cross of God for our forgiveness.
3. That we may be aware and the prayer for forgiveness beings us to the cross giving us a taste which spurs us on to a renewed way of life. An altered way of living as we struggle to live sanctified till we arrive and are in perfection and no longer will have the struggle!
Demand the strict preaching of these things among yourselves that we may know our nature, pray for forgiveness, and have the knowledge of forgiveness and the blessedness of our salvation from our sin!