We move from the general to the particulars in these Lord's days. Baptism is INCORPORATION. We are made righteous by the washing of regeneration and engraphted into Christ. Now we move on to continual nourishment! We need strengthening and so we sit to be confirmed in our faith (justification and the call to lead and new and holy life!) A spiritual feast that we partake by faith!
We see the elements. We go back to the institution with the sacraments. It represents the Passover and the institution of the Lord's supper. Christ takes the bread and the wine as the Lamb of God. The old testament sacrifices are done away with and cannot be at the table as the Lord is as the Lamb of God! The sacrifices were pictures of Him. Christ brings the Passover to an end and institutes the supper and makes atonement for sin once and for all and ABOLISHED the Passover Himself. (That is why it is wrong to celebrate it now as the Jews still do.) He takes the bread and wine as a picture of the fulfillment of the Passover and it symbolizes our justification and sanctification! Read I Cor. 5- "They should be shunned and called to live a holy life as "Christ our Passover was sacrificed for us!"
We are partakers. As Christ justifies us and we are partakers of Him we are called (together) to lead a new and holy life. The essence is that we, as a body of Christ, sit at the table of the Lord together as justified christians still in the body of this sinful flesh and are to admonish each other to purge our the leaven. It confirms our faith and points us to our justification and calling to be sanctified before Him. We partake spiritually and are strengthened by the hand and soul of FAITH! We deal with visible signs and seals and symbols. His human nature was not everywhere present, but His divinity is and was! His human flesh was not and these are signs and seals which point us to the spiritual reality addressed to our faith that underscore what we see physically that indeed happen spiritually! Faith is the HAND and MOUTH of our soul! Christ and Him crucified! We must bear in mind a few things in the supper: 1) Our sins are forgiven and we are washed by Christ ONCE and FOREVER! 2) We are raised with Christ and are governed by His Spirit and He leads us in a new and holy life! You cannot have one without the other!
We deal with each other as forgiven Christians and we are here for each other to encourage and yes even to admonish as we still live in the bodies of our flesh. We are confirmed however that we ARE redeemed Christians in Christ and also spurred on to a new and holy life and to live that way! May we always use this sacrament to that end!