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Nick Holden | Porterville, Mississippi
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Pulling Back The Curtain
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BLOG ON: SERMON Pulling Back The Curtain
Pastor Nick Holden
Nick Holden
Pulling Back The Curtain


Putting something together...

First thing we should do when putting something together is get the instructions out and verify we all the pieces and parts and tools we need to put it together.

Don't you hate it when you get to the end of a project and realize it's missing the key piece that brings it all together. Too many are neglecting the instructions on life and don't realize they’re missing the key piece that brings it all together.

Jesus said;

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, says the Lord, who is, who was, and who is to come, the Almighty (over today, yesterday and forevermore)” (Revelation 1:8).


Can I share what I hear, when I hear He’s the Alpha and Omega? I hear, He had the first word over me, and He’ll have the last. He made a promise of eternal life of me. And He cannot lie.

He, Who Cannot Lie (Titus 1:1-3)

1. God made a promise (a promise that covered the entire scope of eternal life before time began).

2. God manages His own promise (He manages it on both sides of time and performs it in time).

3. God manifested His promise in time (a promise that He made before time and managed through time to make good on His promise when time is no more).

4. God makes good on His promise both now and forever.

God’s eternal salvation, in Christ Jesus, is everlasting. If ever saved, forever saved... for God’s salvation is revealed in time, but it is in no wise limited by time nor is it limited by men, who are limited to time. His saving grace is granted, guarded and guaranteed eternally. It rest on both sides of time... therefore, I can rest in Him and His promise of eternal life. Glory!!! (2 Timothy 1:8-10 ; 2 Corinthians 5:14-21).

Think about it?

He’s the Almighty, who had the first word and will have the last word, and He’s the Key to what is, what was and what is to come. And if He’s not all that for me... I’ll be missing the key piece of life when my life is all said and done. My answer for life and death must be in agreement with God’s answer before I meet Him through death.

If He’s not the Almighty of “what is” ... for me, [my present]

He’s not the Almighty of “what was” for me, [my past]

He can’t be the Almighty of “what is to come” for me, [my plans on this earth and after I die] until I know and trust and believe He’s the Almighty of “my what is” and “my what was.”

If He’s not my Almighty, He’s not my ANSWER for this life and the one to come. And if He’s not my Almighty Answer, who or what is? And what good will it or they do when I have to face the Almighty?

The Revelation of Jesus Christ... is the unveiling of Jesus Christ, yes, a pulling back of the curtain to get a peak of what John had seen of Him who is, who was and who is to come, what He sees as it applies to the churches and what will soon take place.

It's NOT a book to help us look for event after event, that will soon come to pass, the unveiling of Jesus is a message that allows us to see Jesus, and to see Him reigning in His glory and sovereignty over the affairs of the world.

It's a message given to encourage us to live, and to live this life for the glory of God, with God's presence and purpose, heaven's promises and the hope of Christ's return in view. It's a message the edifies the disciples to live on mission in the light of His return in spite of the cultural differences we will all face as we live for Jesus.

And we must keep in mind that the details concerning times or events NEVER produce righteousness and holiness... for which Christ came, died and was raised to give us. For only faith and intimacy with Jesus produces the fruit worthy of His kingdom. For example, DETAILS and EVENTS surrounding the cross of Christ, the most significant moment and message in time, doesn't transform a persons life, a Person, by the name of Jesus, transforms the lives of sinners. WE can know all the details and time frame of things but NOT know Him. People for centuries have trusted a plan, the people who tell them what to do or say, even their own prayers but missed placing their faith and lives in the hands of Jesus and His finished work at the cross. He produces what is needed to serve Him... in holiness and righteousness all the days of our lives (Luke 1:74-75).

God's personal message was given to Jesus to show [His servants] things that must shortly take place, Jesus then gave it to an angel, the angel gave it to John and he wrote down what he [heard and saw] with orders to send it to seven specific churches that what the Spirit revealed might be passed down to generation upon generation to come. It's a message for me and my brethren today.

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, says the Lord, who is, who was, and who is to come, the Almighty (over today, yesterday and forevermore)” (Revelation 1:8)

In an ever changing world, where very few things are ever consistent, (except its inconsistency), I pray my unchanging Redeemer, and great Shepherd, will consistently comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work, now and forever.

There are many Spirit-filled and Christ-led prayers throughout the Scriptures... and each one will bless your socks off. Prayer is a lot like shoes... there’s no power in the shoes, themselves, the power comes from the life within the shoes. For prayer, the power is found in the Spirit of God, He gives life to our prayers. Prayers, like shoes are lifeless, without the Spirit. But not all shoes, like prayers, are created equal... some shoe manufacturers make better shoes than others. And with all prayers, prayed humbly and confidently in the will of God, through faith, are always “better made” than those that are not. The quality of prayer will depend on us, and the resources of faith we put in them, but the POWER is not in their QUALITY but in Him who gives them life.

I wanted to lay three of them in your laps. My intent is to give you something full of life and grace and light and wisdom to pray over THOSE you care deeply for, think and pray God’s best over, like your family and the servants of God you will invest truth and love in, and the brothers or sisters you will share life and grace with until Jesus returns.

I love these three prayers and the thoughts they provoke and promote, within the disciples of Jesus.

“Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us and GIVEN us His EVERLASTING help and good hope, through His GRACE, comfort your hearts and established you in every good word and work” (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17).

“Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have unrestricted liberty to run swiftly, and be glorified and crowned victorious, even as it is with you, and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men; for not all men, who claim Jesus, actually possess faith nor belong to Him. But the Lord is faithful, who shall establish you, and keep you from evil. For we posses great confidence in the Lord concerning you, both that you do and will do the things which we command you. Now may the Lord direct, and when needed, redirect, your hearts into the love of God and into the race you’ve been given to run. May you run it with joy inexpressible and full of glory, reflecting the perseverance of Christ, who for the joy that was set before Him patiently endured the shame of the cross, without being manipulated or moved by the mockers, in unwavering love and obedience to His Father, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” (2 Thessalonians 3:1-5).

"Now may the God of peace (the Father) who brought up our Lord Jesus (His Son) from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep (who sacrificially and specifically laid down His life for His sheep, that they could be His very own), through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you (His sheep) complete in every good work to do His will (the Father), working in you (by His Spirit) what is well pleasing in His sight (furnishing all the sheep need), through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen." (Hebrews 13:20-21)

May these precious promises and His irreplaceable presence and favor make your days brighter, your spirit lighter, and your focus tighter upon His beauty and brightness, that will lift your gaze higher and higher.

You have a race to run, so sun your race, my friends, it's yours... no one can run [it] for you. And no one, other than the Lord, can lay it out and make it so clear before you. If I could trust and look to Jesus for you, I would... but I can’t, that’s something ONLY you can do for yourself

His race for you is often referred to in Scripture as the will of God for your life, the joy of the Lord, the way of the Lord and also your course. All these phrases are saying and meaning the same thing: God has a specific assignment or mission for us to accomplish. And the authority and power we have to accomplish them are found in the orders He gives us to fulfill the mission or complete our race. And no matter the assignment/race we’ve been given it will always include reaching people for Jesus, teaching people about Jesus and equipping people to serve Jesus.

Therefore, I encourage you to embrace your race gladly, endure your race gratefully, explain your race graciously, and enjoy your race gloriously. And as you make much of Jesus, on the course He's assigned for you, Jesus will continue to make much use of you.

Remember, little is much when God is in it. To do this, and do it effectively, you'll need Him living in you, and you'll need to keep your eyes fixed on Him, daily considering the example He set while He walked this earth. Isaiah 42 helps us see His gentle but gritty spirit and the fact that He never flickered or fell apart when the road got tough and ugly and He stuck to the course His Father gave, for noting, good or bad, could distract from His race.

It's your one else can run [it] for you. I encourage you to:

1. embrace [it] gladly,

2. endure [it] gratefully,

3. explain [it] graciously, and

4. enjoy [it] gloriously...with your eyes fixed on Jesus, so you don't flicker or fall apart when the road gets ugly or when the view, along the road, gets "too pretty" to continue.

He’s the Almighty... over what is, what was and what is to come. And we can trust Him.

Check out Pastor Nick’s corresponding audio message, “Pulling Back The Curtain” posted on February 6, 2019.

Thank you for your time,
Pastor Nick


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