A Companion in the Struggle “I, John, both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ” (Revelation 1:9).
Are we (you and me) even in the same game, practicing on the same field, playing for the same coach, as John, Peter, Paul and the others saints... that lived to fulfill the word of God?
In Colossians 1 Paul reveals his aim and the heart focus of the brethren that made it their agenda to share the truth with the saints. Think about what he said... and let's ask ourselves if we this mindset is on our radar, or do we live with other ambitions that and goals that are night and day different from this heart for kingdom living.
This is how he described it:
"So WE [get up everyday to] tell others about Christ, admonishing everyone and teaching everyone with the wisdom God has given US. WE long to [help them that we can] present them to God, perfect in their relationship to Christ. This is my aim [and I fight to keep it my focus], with great help, striving together, through the mighty power of Christ working in me" (Colossians 1:28-29).
Is this accurate of me? Does it describe you? Think about it? Have we lost our focus on God's agenda and no longer live to grow His kingdom? Do we now live and breath to share the junk that's going in this world with no aim to present other believers complete and mature in Christ? Have we gotten to the place where we're so disgusted and frustrated with our society that we keep our mouths shut and avoid people and their problems? When we lose our heavenly assignment, among the chaos of the culture, we lose much more than our desire to be neighborly, we forfeit the very purpose of the Cross and neglect to trust and proclaim its power and praise. Men and circumstances capture our attention and we lose sight of the fact we've been sent to be difference makers.
I want to be on the same field, playing for Him who put Paul, and the others saint with him, in the game.
We must remember that He NEVER waste a test or a trial. And I encourage you, DON’T waste them either!
I want to give you a little cud to chew on... something to ponder and meditate over. Wasting away the intention and purpose of the test or trial or trouble or triumph you're going through is like shredding or throwing away money... it just doesn't make any sense at all.
Let me encourage you today...don't waste what you're going through or will go through, get the most out of it by looking to the Lord and letting Him make something beautiful and good out of you and it. Do it for His glory, the good of others and what the trouble can produces for you with His help.
Paul, in Romans 5 and 2 Corinthians 1:3-11, reminds us that God is always intentional and He uses everything, good and bad, with purpose, regardless of the type of trouble we go through. And he reminds us, again, it's never really about us. Yes, every test, trial, trouble and triumph is saturated and layered in grace that we may be vessels of comfort and deliverance that He works in and through...layers it all, layer upon layer of grace.
If in your troubles, you're not finding a hope in Him, that never disappoints, you're wasting all the heartache and struggles for something that amounts to nothing. For the believer, troubles are designed to produce perseverance, perseverance produces character and character produce hope. It's a building process and there are no shortcuts.
You wouldn't cut or shred your hard earned money... so don't waste one second of what you're in right now... remember this, "God's working it out, and because of grace, this trouble can lead to a triumph of character and usher in just the right hope for the next test you'll go through!" (Romans 5:1-5 ; 8:28-29).
So, I plead with you, don't waste it or throw it away. Help me remember from time to time... not to waste mine either. You can read about it here... (2 Corinthians 1:3-11).
Trouble don’t have to be troubling.
The dumps and bumps of life... are the practice fields of champions. I often find myself encouraging others to not let the rough road their traveling manipulate their thinking and obscure the value of being intimately connected to Jesus and a local body of believers. Some have faced difficulties with people or problems with a local congregation and FEEL they have a legitimate reason and the RIGHT to break fellowship with the body of Christ. The problem with this thinking is that it's not Christ-centered but self-centered thinking. The dumps and bumps of life are part of the path that the Potter is using to mold you into the pilgrim He designed you to be.
Psalm 66:5-12 helps us see that God has a divine purpose in our ups and downs and ins and outs... and how He uses everything to bless His people and make us more like Jesus (Romans 8:28-29). Embrace the process of the Potter... He's at work molding you as He was doing with the church at Thesssalonica. Trouble is transforming... when the Master Potter has us and our trouble in His hand.
So... don't let the rough road you're traveling manipulate your thinking and obscure the value of being connected to a local body of believers. I must be honest with you, it's impossible to be disconnected and out of fellowship with the people of God and be connected or abiding in Christ at the same time. Don't let anyone fool you... to abide or be in fellowship with Christ is to abide and be in fellowship His body of believers. Rough roads are part of the journey that every disciple must travel... it's on this road that life is transferred from one pilgrim to another. This is what Paul is emphasizing in chapter 3 of #1thessalonians when he referred to the news of how well they handle the suffering. He said it encouraged and transferred life to him and the brethren with him. He says the same thing: "We who live (or have life) are being delivered to death that the life of Christ may be manifest in our mortal flesh..." (2 Corinthians 4:7-12)
This is how God works... I like to call it "The cycle of life for the disciples of Christ." Only God can increase and make our love abound toward one another... and this love is Hid fruit flowing through us. And His fruit only flows when we're connected to Him and His body. Don't let the tempter... tempt and mislead you my friend, you need to be part of a local group of believers who are intimately connected to Jesus. And if you can't seem to find one... start one, so others can grow in love with you. But, knowing God, the way I do, I imagine He has a group of believers, that are flawed and imperfect, in your area that He has chosen for you to connect with... you get serious with Him and He'll get serious with you. I know Him... if He's put His truth in you, He's put His love in you FOR the brethren... and NOT for some experience (2John). The truth cuts but it heals, too... and when we know and trust it, it sets us free.
"And Jesus saith unto him, 'The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man has nowhere to lay His head.'" (Luke 9:57-62)
In short... we, in our world, needed an outsider to graciously redeem us from the inside out. But not just any outsider would do or could do what was needed? The Creator had ONLY one solution... Himself! Only He could BE, what He required, for the eternal salvation of a world that could not save itself. Only God can save... and Jesus said He was the ANSWER and was SENT by His Father, from a kingdom that’s not of this world, (but has dominion over this world, a kingdom that flesh and blood cannot inherit), to be uniquely born in our world, to rescue a people, who could not redeem nor rescue themselves. He was supernaturally conceived and born in our world with a unique purpose to testify to this truth, His great love for us and the principles of His kingdom and grace.
This is why He revealed to those, following Him, that this world is not His home. He illustrated it like this... He said, “birds and foxes” were made for this world. They, like the people of this world, fit in and claim their place among all the other creatures. But, unlike them, He didn’t have a place to lay His head.
Think about it? Jesus didn’t fit this world... but He came to make a people fit for His kingdom. This is why He goes to the “extreme” and says that all His new creations, which are those He will graciously redeem to be like Himself, will, like Him, no longer fit in this world. And the only reason He’s left His disciples in this world is so they can make others fit for His kingdom, that they, too, can follow their gracious and conquering King. (John 18:36-37 & Luke 9:57-62)
Have a glorious day my friends... and may your weekend be full of adventure as you search the depths of His love with other pilgrims, on the same journey as you... (Ephesians 3:17-21)
Check out Pastor Nick’s corresponding audio message, “A Companion In The Struggle” posted on February 5, 2019.
Thank you for your time,
Pastor Nick
#nestingwithjesus #romans #romans5 #likeshreddingmoney #dontthrowawaymoney #dontwastethetrial #wastingthetest #Godsworkingitout #appointedtosuffer #ordained #dumpsandbumps #cycleoflife #trouble #graceupongrace #1thessalonians3 #thepotter #thepotterandhisclay #john15 #abide
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