A Call to Restoration
Jeremiah 2:14-17; Rev. 3:20
You are my son and not a slave,
Why do you serve in bondage today?
The enemy has placed his foot upon you,
You have been made a servant to sin.
The yolk of Egypt is laid upon you,
Your crown has been removed.
You are now addicts of another,
What drug have you consumed to your own hurt?
My people have done this to themselves,
You have willingly sold yourselves to sin.
Why have you forsaken the Lord?
When I lovingly called you and led you.
Don't you know that I Will forgive you?
I will restore you to myself,
I will free you from your evil way,
I will revive your spirit and bless you.
Return to me, return to me and live,
Call upon me, call upon me and I will answer.
Seek me, seek me now for I am waiting,
Open your heart, open your heart to me and I will enter in.
Pastor David L Gilpatric