The Heavens Are Astonished
The Lord will plead with those he loves,
And to your children I will appeal.
Consider diligently your worldly friends,
Have they abandoned their god's for another?
Yet you have followed the serpents lie,
And have become a shame unto your Lord.
The “heavens declare the glory of God”,
They are amazed at your forsaking me.
You should be dreadfully afraid of your doom,
I will make you, I will make you like a drought.
You will have no hope or faith to believe,
Your hearts will be desolate, your life will fade away.
You have turned your back on the living Word of God,
You have trodden under foot the Pearl of great price.
You have forsaken the Bread of Heaven,
For the welfare of men and human invention.
For the broken promises of blind guides,
And the poison of political ideals, and false prophets.
Such is the sin of a people,
Lost in the trespasses of sin and death.
O, come unto me and turn from your sins,
Confess your burdened and blighted heart.
Believe, that the Lord, He is God,
A “humble and contrite heart”, the Lord will not despise.
Pastor David L Gilpatric
Jeremiah 2:9-13