We held our annual church business meeting on Sunday, December 30, 2018. In that meeting we voted to reinstall the following committee members and the chairmen of each committee –
-- Finance Committee: Jason Renfroe (chairman and church treasurer), Frank Jones, Jim Casey, Randy Wages;
-- Property Committee: Mark Pannell (chairman), Felton Riggins, Rodney Hiers;
-- Media Committee: Randy Wages (chairman), Jim Casey, Jason Renfroe
If you would like a detailed copy of the minutes, please see Kristen Fuller.
I was taught a long time ago by my former pastor that antichrist was not anti-morality, anti-religion, anti-works, or anti-sincerity. He is anti-CHRIST. He is against Christ having all the glory, all the preeminence, all the credit in the salvation of sinners by God’s grace and based Christ’s righteousness freely imputed and received by God-given faith. All religion, no matter if it claims to be “Christian,” that fails to honor the Lord Jesus Christ as He is revealed in God’s Word in the glory of His Person and in the power and success of His finished work to save all whom He came to save is the religion of antichrist. Any “gospel” that does not honor God’s truth and justice as well as His mercy, love, and grace is “another gospel,” not the true Gospel wherein Christ is revealed as the righteousness of God for His people. Satan, who is antichrist, deceives the multitudes not by promoting hatred for religion but by promoting hatred of truth. This is the reality of antichrist. —Copied
To be a true disciple of Christ is to be a student of His Word. To be a true and serious servant of His Word is to study Christ in the glory of His Person and in the power of His finished work of redemption for the complete, successful, and eternal salvation of His people as revealed in His Word. Herein, as disciples of Christ and students of His Word, do we rest in the glory of God revealed in the face of Jesus Christ. Herein do we believe, follow, serve, and worship Him in spirit and in truth. —Pastor Bill Parker
The Biblical term, “the blood of Jesus Christ” (1 Pet. 1:2; 1 John 1:7), refers to His death as the Surety, Substitute, and Redeemer of His people. It is also equivalent to the Biblical term, “the righteousness of God” (Rom. 1:17; 2 Cor. 5:21), because in His death, as God and Man, Christ worked out a perfect righteousness to insure and secure the complete salvation of all of His people for whom He died, was buried, and arose on the third day.
In these days of boasted liberality, it may appear critical and contentious to oppose with zeal the errors of men who have acquired a name in the Christian world. The mantle of charity, it will be said, ought to be thrown over mistakes that have resulted from a free and impartial investigation of truth, and if not wholly overlooked, they should be noticed only with a slight expression of disapproval. Such, however, was not the conduct of the Apostle Paul.
He spared neither churches nor individuals, when the doctrines they maintained tended to the subversion of the Gospel; and the zeal with which he resisted their errors was not inferior to that with which he encountered the open enemies of Christianity. He affirms that the doctrine introduced into the Galatian churches was "another gospel," and twice pronounced a curse against all by whom it was preached.
Instead of complimenting the authors of this corruption of the Gospel as only abusing in a slight degree the liberty of free examination, he decides that they should be cut off as troublers of the churches. Let not believers be more courteous in expressing their views of the guilt and danger of corrupting the Gospel, than faithful and compassionate to the people of Christ who may be injured by false doctrine. It is highly sinful to exchange compliments at the expense of truth.
The awful responsibility of being accessory to the promotion of error is strongly expressed by the Apostle John also. "If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God-speed; for he that biddeth him God-speed is partaker of his evil deeds" (2 John 10-11). —Robert Haldane