Friday, June 15
Synod reconvened at 8:30 a.m. with Rev. Koole leading synod in devotions.
Following devotions, synod returned to the treatment of matters concerning the Domestic Mission Committee: Synod approved financial support for our radio witness. Synod adopted the DMC’s recommendation that Article VI of the DMC’s Constitution be amended by eliding the third sentence and adding to the second sentence the following: “from a list of suitable candidates provided by the Mission Committee.” This means practically that the DMC will put together a list of minister candidates from which list the calling churches will make their nominations and call a missionary. This is the current practice of the Foreign Mission Committee.
Synod approved the reports of the synodical deputies.
Synod then turned to the work of the Contact Committee and approved their recommendations regarding the Myanmar Special Projects Fund. These funds will be made available to churches who take on the oversight of the work in Myanmar and India. In that connection, Synod received a letter from Hope Protestant Reformed Church in Walker, MI regarding the fact that their council has taken the decision to assist the Protestant Reformed Churches in Myanmar by providing them with spiritual guidance and instruction and by assisting them financially. Synod approved of Hope’s Council taking on this work with a view to helping the PRCM progress to the point that the Contact Committee should be involved on two grounds. First, Hope is willing to do this work. Second, that which the work requires (interaction on a more personal level, mentoring a pastor, and benevolence help) is not part of the work of the CC, according to its constitution.
Synod approved the support of three men from outside of our churches as they attend our synod. Mr. Martyn McGeown, a student from our sister church, the Covenant Protestant Reformed Church in Northern Ireland, is in his second year of our seminary. Mr. David Torlach, a student from the Evangelical Reformed Churches of Australia is also in his second year of our seminary. Finally, Mr. Vernon Ibe intends to attend our seminary this year from the Berean Protestant Reformed Church in the Philippines. A total of $62,500 was budgeted with $25,000 of that coming from what used to be called the ARTS fund. All of these funds are raised via free-will giving and are not included as part of the synodical budget.
Synod took up the matter of Foreign Missions, particularly the work in the Philippines. The Berean Protestant Reformed Church organized on November 20, 2006. Since Rev. Spriensma accepted the call to Kalamazoo and left the field, the Doon council has been busy calling another missionary to labour in the Philippines. Synod approved a motion to heartily thank Rev. Audred Spriensma, his wife Alva, and daughter Jessica for their faithful labors on behalf of the gospel of Jesus Christ on the mission field in the Philippines. Synod reminded the FMC to evaluate the relationship of the newly formed church to the PRCA and come to synod 2008 with a recommendation.
Synod then turned to the matter relating to the purchase of a church building in Pittsburgh, PA by the DMC and passed the motion that Synod declare that its standing committees are not empowered to buy or sell property without prior synodical approval, but that Synod approve the action of the DMC in this instance only because the action is completed. This was grounded on decisions of prior Synods, specifically in 1996,1997.
Continuing with the work of the DMC, synod approved the actions of the DMC in their preparation for establishing a new mission field in Sioux Falls, SD. A motion was made to thank Candidate Spronk and his family for their willingness to relocate and take up labors in Sioux Falls. Synod approved calling a 3rd missionary whose initial labors will be in Sioux Falls, SD. Edgerton PRC has been supervising the field and was approved to be the calling church for this mission field. Thanksgiving was expressed to God for giving us another field of labor.
Turning to the report of the Theological School Committee, synod admitted Nathan Decker, Brian Huizinga, and Jonathan Mahtani as students to our seminary for next school year. Mr. Vernan Ibe was also admitted as a special student from the Berean Protestant Reformed Church in the Philippines. Thanksgiving to God was expressed by the chairman as we paused to consider the gift that God has given us in both our current students and these new students. Student aid was approved for next year for our seminary students and provision was made for the upcoming internships in 2007 and 2008.
Synod approved the request of the TSC that Professor Engelsma labour for another year in our seminary. Synod, through its chairman, expressed thanksgiving to God for the 19 years of labour of Professor Engelsma in our seminary and his willingness to continue for another year. Synod also approved the request of the TSC and the faculty that Professor Gritters be reappointed for another 3 years in our seminary. The practice of the TSC is to grant a four year appointment, then a three year appointment, and finally permanent tenure. The chair expressed gratitude to God for the excellent recommendation both in writing and that which was verbally expressed regarding Professor Gritter’s labours.
Synod will reconvene Monday morning at 8:30 a.m.