Dear Congregation,
Synod began this morning at 8:30 AM. The whole morning, as well as the first hour after lunch, was taken up with Nate's oral exam in the six loci of dogmatics. Prof. Engelsma teaches dogmatics at seminary and so he did all the questioning today. Each locus contains some main doctrines, definitions, controversies and proof texts. For example, in the section on Anthropology, the doctrine of man, the main doctrines treated are the creation, prvoidence, man's creation, the image of God, sin and the fall, the Sabbath, and the covenant between God and man. For each of these Prof. will ordinarily ask for a definition or two which the student would have memorized from Hoeksema's Reformed Dogmatics, a proof text or two on some aspect, a defense of some doctrine against some current heresy, perhaps an explanation of some detail of a doctrine, etc. This happens for each of the six loci, or subjects of dogmatics -- Theology (study of God), Anthroplogy (of man), Christology (of Christ), Soteriology (of salvation), Ecclesiology (of the church) and Eschatology (of the end times). Quite gruelling. One thing I appreciate, one of you mentioned it to me today, is that when I was examined I had a partner. Nate is all alone -- get's every question, and constant questions.
Another part of the exam, that is not public, is two exegetical papers, explaining the meaning of one OT and one NT passage as you would do in preparation for making a sermon. There is also a lengthy translation of an OT passage and of a NT passage from the original languages, which is not a simple translation, but an explanation and parsing of each word. These papers were submitted at the beginning of Synod an two different committees are examining them and will report on them tomorrow.
Nathan did very well on his exam today. Tomorrow the oral exam covers church history, OT history, NT history, church polity, and a practical section. The examiners tomorrow are Profs Engelsma, Gritters, Cammenga and Dykstra, and Rev. Slopsema will do the last section on practica. The last section will be after lunch, some time around 1 PM, and after it is done, synod will go into closed session to consider a motion to pass the exam and declare Nathan a candidate in our churches. After this, D.V., he and Carrie will stand in front of synod and hear an announcement from synod concerning their decision, and after a prayer of thanksgiving and singing a doxology, all the delegates and visitors will have opportunity to congratulate them. Its a very moving moment. Today I was telling someone it softens up a lot of our stern faced ministers -- with tears. If you can make it tomorrow it will be well worth your coming, and also an encouragement to the Langeraks.
Tomorrow night is the graduation at 8 PM. Prof. Dykstra will speak. The Trinity Men singers are singing the special numbers (3 songs). Nathan's nephew will be playing the organ. It should be a splendid evening.
After the exam today, synod began to treat the material of Preadvice Committee number One. Their main work was on the Contact Committee's report. Concerning Singapore, Synod approved the work of the Contact Committee with Singapore. The ERCS will disband as a denomination on June 30, and there is still interest in contact with the PRC from one of the congregations (Covenant) and there is also another group that has requested our help. Doctrinal disputes that divide churches and denominations are sad and divisive, and in many ways things are still sorting out and settling in Singapore. Because of this the Contact Committee did not send a committee to Singapore in the last year, even though synod gave them authorization to do so last year. Synod was content with the work of the Contact Committee with Singapore and the Contact Committee will continue working with those in Singapore who have an interest in the PRC and are one with us doctrinally, perhaps sending a delegation this coming year.
Next Synod dealt with Northern Ireland. During the last year, the mission field in Northern Ireland again organized as a congregation, and since then requested the establishment of sister church relations with the PRC. The treatment of this material was the highlight of the afternoon. Mr. Ivan Reid, a deacon from the church, was present at synod and had opportunity to address synod. He brought greetings from the council and congregation of CPRCNI and spoke concerning the work of Rev.Stewart, the congregation, the outreach, and their future building plans. He thanked the PRC for their assistance in the past and requested our continued support and prayers going forward. Rev. Slopsema, on behalf of synod, addressed Brother Reid expressing the joy of the PRC in re-establishing sister church relations with the CPRC NI. He expressed our prayers and blessings upon our new sister church and our joy in working together with them in the promotion of the truth.
The Contact Committee it seems has been quite busy with contacts in the past year. They are still pursuing setting up a meeting or conference with the EPC of Australia. They also have contacts with reformed churches in Uzbekistan, the Netherlands, Germany, Croatia, and Russia. A committee from the Contact Committee will travel to Germany and Russia next month for face to face meetings with several different contacts.
The rest of the work of the day had to do with Foreign Student Assistance and Catechism Book printing and distribution.
Synod adjourned at 5:00 PM
Of course, the food and service was fantastic again. Thanks ladies! And thanks Carolyn and Brianna for your bravery -- bringing in the coffee!