This morning while reading my Bible I found myself in Genesis chapter one. I quickly became overcome by two words from verse three, “And God”. These two words reminded me of two very obvious but often neglected aspects of my walk with God. First I was reminded that God is constantly at work. Not necessarily in creating new worlds, though He may choose to do so, but working in our lives daily. I don’t know about you but I often get caught up in my daily grind of a public job and personal tasks and even ministry. Life becomes a to do list and Gods creative hand often gets overlooked. Second is my faith. I’m not referring to saving faith right now but my faith in God as sovereign in all things. Our culture has conditioned us to believe we have the answer to everything important in life. Genesis 1:3 tells us God created light on the first day, and the sun wasn’t created until the fourth day. We have no solid proof of what that light is but we know God created it. We must accept it by faith, understanding that we too are Gods creation and as such we must live daily by faith knowing that God is constantly at work, even in our lives.