The LORD is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: thou maintainest my lot. The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage. I will bless the LORD, who hath given me counsel: my reins also instruct me in the night seasons.
Psalm 16:5-7
Afflictions Are Sweet Mercies
All afflictions which tend to bring the soul to God, keep up a life of communion with the Redeemer, make us sensible of the gracious influence of the Holy Spirit, spiritualize our affections, wean our hearts from a world from which we must soon part, and promote a more intimate acquaintance with that world in which we are shortly forever to dwell, are undeserving the name of afflictions. They are among the sweetest mercies of God!
God removes earthly comforts in order to make room for heavenly delights. He empties the soul of all creature-comforts; that He may fill it with Creator-mercies. We should embrace our afflictions, as affording the choicest proofs of divine love.
Robert Hawker
Galatians 6:1
“Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.”
We are redeemed, children of God, indwelt by His Spirit of holiness and grace; but, we are still human, still flesh. The motions of sin, the desires of the flesh, and the potential to fall are in every believer. Therefore, if a brother falls into sin of spirit, attitude, or flesh, we are to make every attempt to recover, restore, and resettle him to his place of fellowship.
The attitude of strong, mature, restrained believers toward the fallen is NOT to be critical, holier-than-thou, and condemning. It is to be a spirit of humility and meekness; for, we know that the potential to commit any sin is in us, and we only stand by the grace of God.
It is easy to compare ourselves with weaker Christians, less gifted believers, or even fallen brothers and to begin to think that we are SOMETHING SPECIAL, strong, or even better than others. We are not to PROVE OURSELVES by other men’s sins or actions, but in the light of God’s glory and holiness.
If we can find some measure of genuine spiritual growth and some evidence of the fruit of the Spirit, we can rejoice in what God has truly been pleased to do for us and in us, rather than being buoyed up in vain hope simply because we are not as other men. Every man is judged according to his own works, not in a comparative view of others!
Pastor Henry T. Mahan (bulletin 1984)
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Cor. 5:17).
The Lord Jesus Christ does not show blind men how to see. He gives them new eyes and they see Him! The Lord Jesus Christ does not tell deaf men how to hear. He gives them new ears and they hear Him! The Lord Jesus Christ does not beg lame men to walk. He gives them new legs and they leap as an hart, and follow Him! All who are in Christ receive a new mind of repentance toward Him, a new will that bows to Him, a new heart that believes and loves Him. Yes, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature!
Pastor Gabe Stalnaker
“Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need” (Heb. 4:16).
To obtain mercy we begin by asking for mercy. To ask for mercy presupposes these three things. (1) I have no merit. (2) My sin is all my fault. If I do not take complete responsibility for my sin, I cannot really ask for mercy. (3) Mercy is in His hands to give or withhold. If the Lord passes me by, I cannot complain of unfairness. Once again, if I do, I am no longer asking for mercy, but demanding my right. And we are told to come to the Throne of grace with boldness, cheerful confidence, to obtain this mercy! How can we do that without being presumptuous? “For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace (free, unmerited favor), that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”