"Rejoicing in the Coming King" John 18:28ff and Zech 9:9-11
On this Palm Sunday and Lent season we look at Christ's suffering in His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. In the Old Testament the prophets could not distinguish between Christ's 1st and 2nd coming and when we look at this from the Old Testament we are forced to make the connection to the New Testament as Christ enters His Kingdom.
Prophesy always has perspective. Zachariah stands to encourage Israel to build God's temple and tells Israel that they will once again have restored glory that the nations will flock to. (comes in 1948) The kingdom was not the one the Jews had in that day or the one they still want today as a nation however. They are a kingdom given liberty out of the pool of bondage and are blest in father Abraham. Even those who are children of His by faith are partakers of that kingdom of Heaven!
Jesus enters Jerusalem and the people envision an earthly kingdom in the trimphal entry which quickly turns into taunts of "we have no king but Caesar." They did not understand prophesy as Christ in humility and in lowliness enters in on an ass. "He is coming, He is just, and comes with salvation!" He Himself is inherently righteous and it is that righteousness that belongs to His people. And that righteousness is affective in HIs lowliness where He entered, went to the bottom of hell, and bearing for us salvation full and free. And with the gospel of peace as a weapon (not a sword and a spear) "her warfare was accomplished and she received double for her iniquities." That IS the GOSPEL! What a comfort as the comforter speaks to us the gospel! Will you find peace in and from the world?
We receive double even though we did not deserve SINGLE and He makes us right with God and makes us citizens of His kingdom by grace in Christ! Our King came with justice, righteousness, and salvation and we belong to that realm now as the Spirit binds it upon our hearts even now! We rejoice and shout for joy! The Jews could not see it without the eye of faith and could not see through it to the heavenly Kingdom as we do. You see it don't you?! We see it more clearly than the prophets of old and He speaks to the heathen nations even as we are heathens naturally.
He gives us entrance into the Kingdom fully and freely....And we have peace.