2. God governs the world and rules from His throne,
The scepter is His, He reigns all alone;
Creator and Sovereign, omnipotent King,
All glorious and holy, His praises we sing.
3. The Lord meets our needs with daily supplies,
Let praises from saints to Him ever rise;
He gives of His bounties to vessels of clay,
Provides for His people by night and by day.
4. The ransomed of God are people made pure,
Through Jesus the Lord our hope is secure;
His mercies abundant we ever shall share,
Receiving salvation and unending care.
Daily Readings March 4-10, 2018
Sunday - Num. 29-31; Mark 9:1-29
Monday - Num. 32-34; Mark 9:30-50
Tuesday - Num. 35-36; Mark 10:1-31
Wed.- Deut. 1-3; Mark 10:32-52
Thursday - Deut. 4-6; Mark 11:1-18
Friday - Deut. 7-9; Mark 11:19-33
Saturday - Deut. 10-12; Mark 12:1-27
“Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law,
being made a curse for us:
for it is written,
Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:
that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles
through Jesus Christ;
that we might receive the promise
of the Spirit through faith.”
(Galatians 3:13-14)
All Shall Come
“All that the Father giveth Me shall come to Me; him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). “All,” not one, or two, or ten, or a million only, but “all.” And observe wherefore? They are the Father’s gift to Jesus, and therefore they must come. He said elsewhere, “that I should give eternal life to as many as Thou hast given Me” (John 17:2). Hence, therefore, there is a blessed provision, a blessed security, that they shall come; for they are the Father’s gift to Christ, as well as the purchase of Christ’s blood; and the promise is absolute in the charter of grace; “Thy people shall be willing in the day of Thy power” (Psalm 110:3). And, to give every possible encouragement to the poor coming sinner, whom God the Holy Ghost is leading by the hand to the all-precious Jesus, He adds, “And him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.”
–Robert Hawker
“The LORD Is Good”
(Nahum 1:7)
It is no problem to say, “The LORD is good” when the sun shines and there’s food in the pantry and money in the bank and health on the bones. I heard someone say recently, “The Lord is so good. I was almost in a car wreck, but He prevented it.” The question that came to my mind was, “If you had the wreck, would He have been a bad God?”
What is your view of the Almighty when the day of trouble is upon you? The money is gone, the rent is due, the cupboard is bare, the car quits, the boss says he can’t use you anymore, your bones ache, and life is truly a burden. What kind of God do you have then? Job had buried all his children and was covered with boils. As he scraped his sores, the devil charged God with being bad. Here is Job’s worshipful answer, “The LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.”
What I am attempting to do as I find myself in the old-age bracket, is not to have a “full-pantry” love for the blessed God. May I see Him as always good, no matter what befalls. The religious world, with its mushy, perverted view of God Almighty, has the notion that God is good through certain means and under certain circumstances and conditions, and that the goodness of God depends upon the life of some human creature, or upon the possession of worldly goods.
The God of the Bible is eternally and unchangeably good. He cannot be better and He cannot be worse; He is absolutely perfect in His goodness. He was good on my wedding day, and He will be good if I have to look into the dead face of my dear wife. He was good when He gave us four children and seven grandchildren. He will be good if they all are taken away at the same time. He was good when I walked as a strong, healthy man, and He is good as I lay in the hospital and the doctors cut away the flesh and left me feeble and frail.
God is so good that He gave me a Savior, His own dear Son. When I was in violent enmity against Him, the Lord came in grace and mercy and revealed the blessed Christ to my heart. No matter what befalls in this brief interval of time, I say God is GOOD. He is good, eternally and majestically GOOD. I praise His good Name. --Jack Shanks