March 4, 2018
I'm The Sinner
The fact I'm a sinner, led me to know,
That I need a Savior to make me whole.
I'm unable to save my sinful soul.
The resources I have fall short in woe.
God left ninety and nine safe in the fold.
He left to seek and find His sheep foretold.
God's love is eternal. He came for me.
Lamb of God, Lord of All, died on the tree
He died for the sinner; died for the lost.
The debt of the sinner, He paid the cost.
Jesus Christ is His name, the Lord of Hosts.
He came not to seek fame, but for the cross.
The fact I'm the sinner leads me to know
That I have a Savior who made me whole.
The Lord, my Redeemer, whose blood did flow,
Washed this wicked sinner as white as snow
Now I may worship Him free from the law.
I will not be condemned. To me He called.
In Christ I'm sanctified and glorified
I stand in Christ, my Savior, justified.
Tune: Break Thou the Bread of Life, # 176
By: Gary Spreacker
(1). One who has prayed for the preacher and for the blessing of the Lord on the congregation which is meeting today.
(2). One who is punctually in his pew with his family beside him.
(3). One who has his Bible open and who devoutly follows the Scriptures read as hearing God speaking to him.
(4). One who takes a hymnbook and joins in the praise of the Lord as earnestly as does the leader of the singing.
(5). One who in his heart joins in the prayer time.
(6). One who remembers that we are in the presence of God and bears himself with reverence of manner and conversation
(7). One who looks for Christ and grace in the sermon and not for rhetoric, elocution, and clever statements.
(8). One who listens, takes the message to himself, and has a comment afterward regarding the subject.
(9). One who has a look and a word of Christian greeting for those near him in the church after the service. – John Hall
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Every believer is robed in the perfect righteousness of Jesus Christ. By His perfect obedience unto death, even the death of the cross, our Blessed Redeemer, our Perfect Savior, established a righteousness for His chosen people that makes every believer as righteous as the Spotless Lamb of God! God sees no iniquity in His chosen, blood-bought children. God's preachers are to say to the righteous that it shall be well with them (Isaiah 3:10). As long as Jesus Christ our Blessed Surety is on His Sovereign Throne of Power, it will ALWAYS be well with those who are in Him. - Pastor Gene Harmon
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"Salvation is the most beautiful word that a lost condemned sinner could ever hear. It includes all the blessings of grace, and all the blessings of glory. It is the washing of our consciences from guilt, the redemption of our souls from the curse of the Law, the renewing of our heart by the Spirit of God, and the freedom of our spirits from the power and dominion of sin. It is to be loved and chosen by God, justified in Christ, born again by the Holy Spirit, pardoned of all wrong doing, received into the family of God, accepted in the beloved. It is to be an heir of God, joint heir with Christ. If I am saved, I have all wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption in Christ." - Pastor Milton Howard
"Noah went into the ark BEFORE ONE DROP OF WATER FELL! If he had waited until the rain commenced, he would have been joined by thousands of false converts. True faith believes the promises of God and the warnings of God BEFORE they come to pass. A refuge built or entered during the storm is usually forsaken when the sun shines again. Be wary of those who seek the Lord when their flesh is pained." -
Pastor Henry Mahan