January 28, 2018
She Could Not Lift Herself
Luke 13:10-17
To the synagogue she came; her body stooped over.
Eighteen long years in her pain, no strength to recover.
The devil had bound her frame, a picture of sinners:
No help, no hope to their name, in need of a Savior.
Our dear Lord was teaching there. 'Twas providential care.
She was Abraham's daughter. The dear Lord saw her there.
Her frame caused her to falter. The Savior spoke to her.
The Lord laid His hands on her. Her bonds loosened that hour.
The faith of God's Son did this. He chose to free this one.
She worshipped God for His gift. She glorified the Son.
Those chosen, He will not miss. He calls for them to come.
He lifts them to where He is: beside the Father's throne.
The Lord came to seek and save those sinners giv'n to Him.
He knows whom the Father gave. His voice will speak to them.
He died and rose from the grave. His blood paid for their sin.
He redeemed, restored, and saved. They stand upright in Him.
Tune: The Church's One Foundation, #186
“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Not of works, lest any man should boast.”
Ephesians 2:8-9
We are saved by grace – free grace, rich grace, sovereign grace, distinguishing grace; without one atom of works, without one grain of creature merit, without anything of the flesh. Oh! Sweet grace, blessed grace! Oh! What a help, what a strength, what a rest for a poor, toiling, striving, laboring soul to find that grace has done all the work, to feel that grace has triumphed in the cross of Christ, to find that nothing is required, nothing is needed, nothing is to be done! – J.C. Philpot
For all the promises of God IN HIM are yea and IN HIM amen, unto the glory of God (II Cor. 1:20) It is a wonderful thing that the Sovereign, immutable God of Heaven would make promises to the fallen sons of Adam. But He has promised forgiveness of sin, eternal Life, justification before His own glorious person. He has promised to receive sinners. To give them a new nature, a new heart and to give them a perfect standing in His own presence and to make them perfect and complete.
There is one thing we must be sure of concerning the promises of God and that is - ALL OF THEM ARE IN CHRIST. If you desire anything from God you must come to the Son, for He is heir of all things. “The Father loves the Son and has given all things into His hands” (Jn.3:35). God has given His Son Jesus Christ all authority both in heaven and in earth. He has said, “This is my Beloved Son, hear Him.”
“If you desire forgiveness of your sin, to have a clean conscience and a perfect standing before God, there is but one way to receive the promises of God. That one way is for you to come to Christ in faith, casting your soul upon Him - trusting Him with your very eternal soul and wellbeing.
God always makes good on His promises for He cannot lie. There are two sides to God’s promises just as there are two sides to a sword. He has said “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him” (Jn. 3:36) All the promises of God are “yea” and “amen” IN CHRIST! - Pastor
Some men lose their souls for fear of trials and persecutions. Others lose their souls by the deceitfulness of sin. But most who perish under the sound of the gospel lose their souls by the deceitfulness of riches, the love of money and covetousness (Lk.8:14; 12:15, Mk.8:34-37).
The believer takes the position that whenever scripture gives an answer to any question, that answer is the ultimate touchstone of the truth; the final court of appeal for reason. They know that “Thy word, 0 Lord, is forever settled in heaven” (Ps. 119:89). That God’s word is a “Lamp unto their feet a light unto their path” (Ps. 119:1O5)
Believers know the teaching of scripture is true in whatever pertains to history, or of the doctrine of sin, or the doctrine of salvation. The Sermon on the Mount, to be sure, is inspired but so is the biblical account of creation. The entire bible is God-breathed. “For the prophesy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” (II Pet. 1:21). “All scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (II Tim. 3:16). The real issue between faith and unbelief is this: Are these scriptures the living oracles of God or are they not? IS it true or IS it not true that men spake from God being moved by the Holy Spirit?
Is it correct or is it incorrect to say that the entire bible is the Word of God and that all its teaching is trustworthy? Faith answers these questions and says yes, to all of them; knowing that the scriptures aim is to impart to us a saving knowledge of God, a knowledge of His will for us in this world. Unbelief wants to pick and choose over the scriptures and settle for what makes men comfortable. But believers are not just looking for what makes them comfortable or makes them feel good, but by faith they submit their minds, their opinions, their will and affections to the scriptures, their only rule of faith and practice. - Pastor