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Henry T. Mahan / Tom Harding | Pikeville, Kentucky
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Henry T. Mahan Media Ministry
Zebulon Grace Church
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Zebulon Bulletin Dec. 10, 2017
Posted by: Henry T. Mahan / Zebulon Grace Church | more..
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If a wise man contendeth with a foolish man, whether he rage or laugh, there is no rest. The bloodthirsty hate the upright: but the just seek his soul. A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards. Proverbs 29:9-11

Which Is The Great Commandment ?

There has never been a single moment in my life that I have loved the Lord as He ought to be loved. However, at the same time, there has never been a single moment in time when Christ did not love the Lord His God, His Father, with all His heart, soul, mind and strength.

In Christ, and with Him as my Substitute, I have kept the greatest commandment of all. Matter of fact, in Christ, I have kept “every commandment of God” perfectly and completely. My salvation has nothing to do with my works, my faithfulness, or my righteousness. My salvation has everything to do with His!

Pastor David Eddmenson

“To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe” (Philippians 3:1).

We have gathered together to hear the same things. Nothing new or novel is needed. A part of the greatness of the Gospel is that the old, old, story is always new and fresh. There is nothing like that in this world. Everything in this world at some point will become old and stale. But not the Gospel! It is always New! It is still thrilling to hear of the character of the Living God, and how that salvation is of the Lord. Salvation is of the Father when He elected a people in Christ before time began. This election was unconditional! Nothing in us that moved Him to choose us! Salvation is of the Son in redemption. Before time, He stood as the Surety of the elect and took full responsibility for their salvation. He came to this earth as their representative, kept the law for them, died to pay for their sins, and was raised because of their justification. Truly, He is All in salvation. Salvation is of the Spirit in regeneration. God the Holy Spirit comes in invincible power and gives life to those the Father chose and the Son redeemed, so that they believe the old, old story. The Gospel becomes good news indeed. They are given a new nature that loves God and perseveres in the faith, being preserved by the Spirit of God.

Paul said the repetition of it was “not grievous.” It only becomes grievous when you do not hear as a sinner! When we do not hear as a sinner, we have left our first love, and have fallen into a lukewarm state. Heavenly manna has become light bread. But if we hear as a sinner, the same things are not old and stale, but good news from a far country! Paul adds, “For you this is safe.” This only is safe. Any new message or method is treacherous! But the “same things” are safe. Pastor Todd Nibert

Faith in Christ

“He that heareth my Word, and believeth on Him that sent me,

hath everlasting life(John 5:24).

There are many false religious refuges in which men hide and many false claims to a hope of glory which will be shattered at the judgement. One such refuge is religious orthodoxy and sound theology without a personal faith in and commitment to, the Lord Jesus.

SAUL OF TARSUS was a student of the Scriptures, a man of high morality and integrity, a believer in the sovereignty of God and election (he believed the Jews were God’s elect). He fought for what he believed. But Saul had never been brought to a personal knowledge of Christ Jesus, an understanding of His person and work, and a genuine, open committal to Christ. The fact that he was one of the elect, that he would one day preach the gospel, that he would one day seal his testimony with his blood, did not alter the fact that he was a lost sinner who must HEAR the voice of God in His Word and BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ.

You may be as orthodox as an old, studious Puritan and as sincere in your contention for the doctrines of grace as Calvin himself; but, if the Holy Spirit has not brought the Word of the gospel to your heart in conviction of your sin, sins, and righteous rags; if the Holy Spirit has not revealed (through the Word of God) Christ to your heart in faith, committal, and love, you will hear Christ say to you, “Depart from me, I never knew you” (Mt. 7:23).

It is not faith in doctrine that saves, nor even faith in God’s power to save, but FAITH IN CHRIST! Anyone who believes there is a God knows that being God enables Him to do what He will! But what will God do? He will redeem men in Christ; He will love men in Christ; He will accept men in Christ; He will save all who are in Christ; and that not by election alone, but BY FAITH! “Without faith it is impossible to please God” (Heb. 11:6). “He that BELIEVETH NOT shall be damned” (Mk. 16:16).

Once more I set before you the gospel of Jesus Christ and call upon you to believe HIM, look to HIM, and confess HIM publicly as YOUR LORD AND SAVIOUR!

Pastor Henry T. Mahan (Bulletin 1983)

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