HYMN OF THE DAY From Glory To Glory Before the world e'er began, God chose to become a man. Left His glory up above, To save His people in love. In due time He came to earth, By the wondrous virgin birth.
Thou shalt call His name Jesus, If we're lost, He came for us. Anointed, All pow-erful, Salvation accomplished full, He bore our sins on the cross. He restored what Adam lost.
Christ satisfied the Father: The Perfect, Righteous Savior, Obedient to the law. There's no sin in Him at all. He was bruised for all my sin. He was made to be my sin.
The Forerunner of our faith, Has gone to secure our place. Hope and Anchor of our souls; Intercedes for all our woes. He's seated at God's right hand: No one greater in that land.
Glory is His forever. He is All, now and ever! He sanctified, perfected, All those God had elected. To Him ev'ry knee shall bow: Lord of Glory, then and now!
Tune: Jesus Savior Pilot Me, #303 By: Gary Spreacker
"Faith, if it be the faith of God's elect, will embrace and rest only in Jesus Christ and His perfect work of redemption that reconciled His chosen people to God (Heb. 9:12; Rom. 5:9 - 10). "For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have NO CONFIDENCE IN THE FLESH" (Phil. 3:3). All false religionists, even though they might profess Jesus Christ to be their Savior, put their trust in something they have done; something they believe enables God to accept them. In doing so, they are saying that what Jesus Christ did was not enough. They openly and publicly declare that they saved themselves, blatantly denying that Jesus Christ is their Savior. Brethren, "God has made us accepted in the Beloved" (in Christ), "In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace" (unmerited favor) (Eph. 1:6 - 7). When God gives His gift of faith to a hell-deserving sinner, we not only enter into His rest, we also cease from our own works, as God did from His, giving our Great Triune God all the glory for His unspeakable gift (Heb. 4:10; 1 Cor. 1:26 - 31). - Gene Harmon
"The heart of the Gospel is redemption, and the essence of redemption is the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ. When we preach Christ crucified we have no reason to stammer or stutter, to hesitate or apologize; there is nothing in the Gospel of which we have any cause to be ashamed. Never lose heart in the power of the Gospel." - William Terry Worthan
"Rolfe Barnard told about a young preacher who graduated from a Bible institute and began to preach the easy-believism gospel which he had learned in school. His Bible teachers had the dispensations all arranged, prophecy all figured out, methods perfected to attract the biggest crowds, soul-winning procedures down pat, and "how to build a great church" neatly wrapped in a fool-proof package. This young preacher made sure to use every gimmick, every tactic, and every invitation in his effort 'to win men to Christ' and he was very successful! The people heard his easy-believism message and they accepted Jesus as their savior from hell, as the supplier of their financial needs, and as the healer of their bodies. And, for good measure, they were told that they were eternally secure in their decision and could never be lost.
BUT SOMETHING WAS WRONG! The young man detected no fruit of the Spirit in his great congregation. He saw no love for Christ, the Word, or even for other people. There was no faithfulness in worship, giving, and witnessing unless motivated by threats, special programs, pledges, and contests. There was no hunger and thirst for righteousness, no meekness and humility; there was only divisions and strife! In desperation, he resigned from this religious monstrosity and began all over again. But this time, instead of preaching easy-believism, he preached man's ruin and God's remedy in Christ. He declared salvation to be the gift and work of Christ. He demanded that men repent and receive Christ, not only as Savior, but as the Sovereign Lord of their entire lives. And he called for unconditional surrender, total submission, and heart faith in Jesus Christ. This way was difficult, as Christ said it would be. The message was offensive, as Christ said it would be. But the result was the miraculous calling out of bond-slaves and disciples to Christ and the young preacher's heart rejoiced in the presence and fellowship of his Lord." - Henry Mahan