for which I also am apprehended of Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:12.
It is Christ's apprehension, or holding us up, which is the cause both of our safety and happiness, and not our apprehension of Him. The child in the bosom finds security, not from clasping the fond mother's neck, but from being encircled in her arms.
And in like manner, our safety arises, not from our faith, but from Christ's love. "The eternal God is thy refuge; and underneath are the Everlasting Arms." Deuteronomy 33:27.
Hence one of old, convinced of this, cried out to the Lord: "Hold Thou me up, and I shall be safe; yea my delight shall be always in Thy statutes continually." Psalm 119:117.
--Robert Hawker
Psalm 118:24
"This is the day which the Lord hath made;
we will rejoice and be glad in it."
Blest be the Father and His Love
Author: Isaac Watts Tune: From Every Stormy Wind
1. Blest be the Father and His love,
To whose celestial source we owe
Rivers of endless joy above,
And rills of comfort here below.
2. Glory to Thee, great Son of God,
From whose dear wounded body rolls
A precious stream of vital blood,
Pardon and life for dying souls.
3. We give Thee, sacred Spirit, praise,
Who in our hearts of sin and woe
Makes living springs of grace arise,
And into boundless glory flow.
4. Thus God the Father, God the Son,
And God the Spirit we adore;
That sea of life and love unknown,
Without a bottom or a shore.
God Has in Himself . . .
all power to defend you;
all wisdom to direct you;
all mercy to pardon you;
all grace to enrich you;
all righteousness to clothe you;
all goodness to supply you;
and all happiness to crown you.
--Thomas BrooksA man cannot be thoroughly humbled till he realizes that his salvation is utterly beyond his own powers, counsels, efforts, will and works, and depends absolutely on the will, counsel, pleasure and work of another - God alone. --Martin Luther
He is Sovereign Lord of All!
Christ, as He is God, is infinitely great and high above all. He is higher than the kings of the earth, for He is King of kings, and Lord of lords. He is higher than the heavens, and higher than the highest angels of heaven. So great is He, that all men, all kings and princes, are as worms of the dust before Him.
All nations are as the drop of the bucket, and the light dust of the balance, yes, and angels themselves are as nothing before Him. He is so high, that He is infinitely above any need of us, so above our reach that we cannot be profitable to Him, and so above our conceptions that we cannot comprehend Him.
Christ is the Creator and great Possessor of heaven and earth. He is sovereign Lord of all! He rules over the whole universe, and does whatsoever pleases Him.
His knowledge is without bound.
His wisdom is perfect, and what none can circumvent.
His power is infinite, and none can resist Him.
His riches are immense and inexhaustible.
His majesty is infinitely full of awe.
Yet, His condescension is sufficient to take a gracious notice of the most unworthy, sinful creatures, those that have no good deservings, and those that have infinite ill-deservings.
--Jonathan Edwards
What is it to Wait Upon God?
To wait upon God means I cannot see the way out of this difficulty, but I shall see it. I do not yet perceive God's plan for my deliverance, but I shall be delivered. I do not know how bread shall be given me, but I shall have it even if God has to send ravens with it or rend heaven itself in twain. I shall have His promise fulfilled, and I shall wait His time. --Charles Spurgeon