“Oh how great is Thy goodness, which Thou hast laid up for them that fear Thee;
which Thou hast wrought for them that trust in Thee before the sons of men!” Psalm 31:19
"Therefore, being justified by faith,we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5.1
Faith has signed the "Treaty of Grace" which is a treaty of unconditional surrender. This treaty has been written in the blood of Christ, therefore, God, the King and Judge of all has granted a pardon - no more - the status of a righteous man to every believer. The war is over! There is peace. –Pastor Joe Terrell
What is a Preacher?
A nobody,
sent to tell everybody,
about somebody
who can save anybody.
–Scott Richardson
Jesus Died For Our Sins
Author: Jim Byrd Tune: It is Well
1. O how shall a soul that is sinful and vile,
O how shall that soul be made pure;
When works of the flesh are but unrighteous deeds,
And the heart is corrupt and impure?
Jesus died for our sins, Jesus died, Jesus died for our sins.
2. `Twas in this great way, God His law satisfied,
The blood of the Savior was shed;
Our ransom was paid and redemption was done,
Christ laid down His own life in our stead. CHORUS
3. Come hear this glad sound of the word of free grace,
For sinners the Savior was slain;
No work but His own could the law satisfy,
Or remove all of sin's guilty stain. CHORUS
4. When facing the Lord in His stern holiness,
When standing before His great throne;
What words shall we say in that most solemn day,
Since no work we have done can atone? CHORUS
Jesus Christ and Him crucified
"For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified." 1 Corinthians 2:2
Jesus Christ and Him crucified, is the way in which God . . .
displays His perfections,
unfolds His purposes,
confounds His foes, and
displays His glory in the salvation of His people.
Jesus Christ and Him crucified, is the only way in which . . .
death is destroyed,
sin is conquered,
righteousness is established,
rebels are reconciled,
saints are sanctified,
and Heaven is opened!
--Author unknown
The only qualification for man to come to Jesus!
It is not the healthy who need a doctor-but the sick!
Matthew 9:11 “And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto His disciples, Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners?”
Matthew 9:12 “But when Jesus heard that, He said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.”
From the garden of Gethsemane - where the bleeding pores of the Savior sweat pardons; from the cross of Calvary - where the bleeding hands of Jesus drop mercy, the cry comes, "Look unto Me, and be saved, all the ends of the earth!" From Calvary's summit, where Jesus cries, "It is finished!" I hear a shout, "Look unto Me, and be saved!" But there comes a vile cry from our soul, "No, look to yourself! Look to yourself!"
Ah, look to yourself and you will certainly be damned! As long as you look to yourself, there is no hope for you. It is not a consideration of what you are, but a consideration of what Christ is, that can save you. You must look away from yourself, and to Jesus!
Oh! there are many who quite misunderstand the gospel; they think that their good works qualify them to come to Christ; whereas SIN is the only qualification for man to come to Jesus!
Again it is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick! Matthew 9:12 “But when Jesus heard that, He said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.” --C.H. Spurgeon