"Created unto Good Works" Ephesians 2:10/John 15 Paul moves his message around works and shows us that righteousness and salvation is found in Christ. Even though works do not merit salvation, works are still a necessity as we are God's workmanship. They MUST show themselves in our daily life!
We are His workmanship and handiwork. We are the result of what God has done. Naturally, we are in HIS image physically! But Paul is speaking from a spiritual view point. "If he is in Christ, he is a new HOLY life by the power of His grace to show forth HIS praise." God has designed each one of us to fit in our particular place to the praise of His glory. ALL THINGS are in Christ Jesus and ordained to His praise and His glory!
Our Lord Jesus Christ is the power whereby we are crafted to His glory. God then even uses the very DNA, genetics, our families, individual upbringings all to craft us as a particular stone and member that we may function in that capacity to the glory of God. He fashions us to be what we are to His glory being made the objects of His "making."
It is of God, worked through us to His praise and His glory. Everything we do has God's praise and glory attached to it. We cannot lead secular lives. His glory MUST shine in whatever we say and do. Think about that. In everything we do. In everything we say. All the situations of life are not happen stance. No accidents. Not accidental. But all of life comes from the hand of God that we should walk in all good works. Every opportunity in life is an opportunity and challenge to walk in good works to His glory. We must walk circumspectly redeeming the time. What a challenge! Even tomorrow when we go to our jobs, work in our homes, and have contacts with the world and those around us, we have the challenge to show forth God's glory. God gives us His word as a roadmap on how to deal with situations, how to live, how to deal with challenges, etc. All that we may seek HIS glory, praise, covenant in and through ALL things.
Life is serious. Life is NOT probabilities, but sent from our Father's hand that we may live our lives to the praise of His glory.
A very difficult thing to do in the body. We are thankful for His Holy Spirit, the Sanctifier, who lives within us and helps us to do just that! A struggle for all of us!