"Thou art all fair, my love; there is no spot in thee."
No Spot in Thee! Author: Pastor Gary Shepard Tune: William. Bradbury - Sweet Hour of Prayer 1. By faith I hear from Christ's own mouth, His Word and Spirit speak to me; And say to my poor wretched soul, "My love, there is no spot in thee." No spot in me, all truly gone? No spot in me can justice find? No spot in me, sin put away? No flaw that holiness can mind?
2. No spot in me, an Adam child? No spot in me, tis all I see! Could His own blood such cleansing make? Each blemish wash there on the tree? No spot in me, all truly gone? No spot in me can justice find? No spot in me, sin put away? No flaw that holiness can mind?
3. "No spot in thee, O lovely Bride" "No spot in thee, though often tried," "My comeliness, your beauty is" Which I put on you when I died." What wondrous words for me to hear! "All fair" and shall forever be! For it is God the Son who says, "My love, there is no spot in thee!"
He chose you to be trophies of His grace! “Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter 2:5 God builds a palace for Himself in heaven, made of 'living stones'. Where did He get them? Has He brought forth the richest and the purest marble from the fine quarries of Paris? No! Christians, look to "the hole of the pit where you were dug out of, and to the rock where you were cut from!" You were full of sin. Far from being stones that were white with purity you were black with defilement, seemingly utterly unfit to be stones in the spiritual temple, which would be the dwelling-place of the Most High God. And yet, He chose you to be trophies of His grace! Goldsmiths make exquisite jewelry from precious materials; they fashion the bracelet and the ring from gold. But God makes His jewels out of base materials. From the black pebbles of the defiling brooks He has taken up stones, which He has set in the golden ring of His immutable love, to make them gems to sparkle on His finger forever. He has not selected the best but apparently the worst of men to be the monuments of His grace! --Charles Spurgeon
***** 100% Christian? Revelation 5:9 "And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;" Last week someone asked me if I knew what a 100% Christian was, so I asked him to explain to me what exactly a 100% Christian was. Curious to know his definition, and knowing that he was implying that there are 20% Christians, 40% Christians, 60% Christians all the way up to 100%, based of course on his standard of works which he performs, I listened as he explained. He proceeded to tell me that while Stephen is an example of a 100% Christian, there are a lot who are not 100% Christians due to their works or lack thereof. He has just made himself the measuring stick for righteousness. Here is check list Christianity at its worst, if you don’t check all their boxes you are either lost or not 100% Christian. After having enough of this foolishness, I told him that all of God’s saints (His elect) are 100% percent Christians because our salvation is not dependent upon our works but is based upon the work of Christ. (Job 9:20) (Ephesians 1:6-7) God’s people are redeemed, purchased by the same Savior, the same Lord. His name is the Lord Jesus Christ, the God man mediator, our Savior and our Redeemer! (1 Timothy 2:5) God’s people are cleansed from all our sins by His precious blood which was shed on Calvary’s cross to satisfy God’s Holy law and justice in our place. It is finished! (John 17:4, John 19:30) God’s people are all clothed in His perfect righteousness which allows us to stand before God in glory and worship our great God and King. He is as Scripture declares, “JEHOVAH our Righteousness!”(Jeremiah 23:6) We are all one in Christ, and in Christ alone we are saved by Jesus Christ... plus nothing. He is our All and In All, and we are complete in Him! (Colossians 2:10; 3:11) Salvation = Christ plus nothing! (Titus 3:4-7) So all believers in Christ are 100% Christians as our salvation is not dependent upon us, but 100% dependent upon Christ Jesus our Lord! Praise His mighty name! --Pastor Wayne