Britt Worthan | Winston, Georgia
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GOD’S PECULIAR PEOPLE Paul writing to Titus in the second chapter and verse fourteen said this, “Who (Jesus Christ) gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.” The New King James Version has a “special people”. Both translations obscure the original meaning. Some assume from the word peculiar that it intimates some strange or oddball people. This is not at all what is intended. The word is translated from a Greek word which is actually made up of two words, one that means ‘around’ as a circle, and the other which means ‘to be.’ Putting them together ‘to be around’ we have the sense of the text. Those people that Christ gave Himself for, that He redeemed and purified, are an ‘encircled people.’ David, in the Psalms understands this when he says, “The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them.” He speaks also of the Lord having hedged or enclosed him, being ‘behind and before’ him, and on his right hand and his left hand. The original word in Titus 2:14, which is literally ‘to be around’ can be understood as a circle is around a dot. As that circle is around the dot so God is around His saints. They are His own special and private possession, His Peculiar Treasure. He has reserved them for Himself. In First Thessalonians, chapter one and verse one, we are enabled to see the idea, “The Church of the Thessalonians in God.” The Greek case is locative of sphere. The Church of the Thessalonians is in the sphere of God, circumscribed by God and surrounded by Him. Also we see the sense in the case of Job in the Old Testament. Satan complained to God that He couldn’t get to the old patriarch because God had Job ‘hedged around.’ What a position to be in! To be surrounded by the Sovereign God, to be preserved and protected by Him who governs all things, whether in heaven, earth, or hell! What a high privilege, to be inside the circle means that nothing outside the circle can enter the circle without God’s permission. God only permits this for the good of His people and His glory. Their birth is from above; Peculiar indeed; Begotten, not of blood, But of immortal seed: From Christ, their Head, Their life proceeds, And to Him it must surely lead
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