“Children’s children are the crown of old men; And the glory of children are their fathers.”
Children and grandchildren who conduct themselves in a worthy manner are indeed the crown of old men. It is an honor to parents when they are old to have children and children’s children, (and even children’s children’s children--great grandchildren) grow up following in the virtues and maintaining the reputation of their families. It is an honor to a man to live so long as to see his children’s children serving their generation according to the will of God. This crowns and completes their comfort in this world. I have many praises to my Father that I see this in my grandchildren. And on the other hand it is an honor to children to have wise and Godly parents and grandparents, and to have them continue so even after they have themselves grown up and settled in the world. Those are unnatural children who reckon their aged parents a burden to them, and think they live too long; whereas, if the children be wise and good, it is as much their honor to comfort and aide their parents in the unpleasant days of their old age. We live in a day when parents and grandparents and great grandparents are not always the glory of their children. It seems to be so much more rampant in this generation that they are not that role model for life that children need. I heard Rush Limbaugh say this (in his speech to CPAC) and thought how true. “We seek happiness. We pursue it. It’s part of who we are. So what can you do? Live your life; you do not know the influence in just the everyday life that you live in your homes. Be happy, live your life according to your values and principles. Know you’re going to fail, no human being is perfect. You’re going to make mistakes, but live your life—you’ll be stunned at how many people you impress. Don’t be afraid to tell your children that they’re wrong. They don’t do what you do. They simply haven’t lived long enough. It’s not their fault that they’re being fed a bunch of garbage in school so don’t be afraid to tell them that they’re wrong. Don’t go the route and say ‘gotta be friends with my parents, my kids, first and foremost.’ Understand they’re going to hate you for awhile and they’re going to rebel against you. But someday they’re going to think you’re the smartest person they ever met. But you owe them the truth. You owe them the truth about things. You owe them the truth about morality. You owe them the truth about values.” I thought: ‘Mr. Limbaugh, this happiness should be pursued in a spiritual sense. If parents would seek Jesus Christ to rule their lives, their homes, their children, true happiness would come. What can you do? Could it be that the days ahead are designed to bring parents to a place of seeking Godly values, principles and wisdom? Might they teach their children the truths of the scripture and put Him back into our homes, our schools, our work life, our government, and even our churches? Maybe God will raise up some strong fathers and mothers who don’t mind practicing tough love so that their children and their children’s children might truly be the crown of their old age.