Have not I written to thee excellent things in counsels and knowledge, That I might make thee know the certainty of the words of truth; that thou mightest answer the words of truth to them that send unto thee? Proverbs 22:20-21
Children of God often find themselves in distress and sorrow in this world and in uncertainty about the happenings of this world. So we need to be reminded often that our comfort and confidence comes from the certainty of salvation in Christ and His constant presence with His people. His precious promise to never leave nor forsake His people comforts our heart in the worst sorrow and the greatest uncertainty about the things of this world. “Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Heb. 13:5).
Pastor Frank Tate
Abraham Believed God
“Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness”(Romans 4:3).
To believe God is no little thing! It is the evidence of a heart reconciled to God; it is proof of our being weaned from our works and deeds; it is a clear sign of true conviction of sin; it is honoring to Christ, our only Redeemer; it is the essence of true worship; and it is the root of sincere obedience!
The person who believes God in spite of his sin and infirmities, who believes God in spite of fleshly wisdom and opposition, who believes God come what may, gives the Lord God more honor and glory than the cherubim and seraphim in their continual adoration. DO YOU THINK FAITH A LITTLE THING?
How is it then that our Lord said, “He that believeth on the Son hath eternal life?” How is it that a whole nation perished in the wilderness because of UNBELIEF? How is it that we are said to be, “justified by faith;he that believeth not shall be damned?”
Faith is the parent grace. Whatever you put in second place, faith must have the first consideration; for it is no small thing – IT IS YOUR LIFE! “If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.” “Lord, I BELIEVE, help Thou my unbelief!”
Pastor Henry T. Mahan (bulletin 1983)
I was listening to a man object to Romans 9:20, “Nay but O man, who are you to reply against God.” I have heard that objection many times. God is not giving a sufficient answer to, “Why does He yet find fault, for who has resisted His will.” Simply answering that question with, “Who are you to reply against God” is not an answer but an authoritarian reply. My answer to the man’s objection was this. There is one difference between you and me that makes our response so different. I believe myself to be a sinner who deserves to be damned. You do not believe that about yourself, therefore you believe God owes some kind of account to you.
Pastor Todd Nibert
“Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life” (Acts 11:18).
TRUE repentance, “repentance unto life” is a gift of God (Acts 5:13; 11:18). It cannot be “worked up,” “worked out,” or in any way “produced” by natural man. Furthermore, it is not a one time or temporary thing, but a state of being. It is not so much an acknowledgement of what we have done which creates true repentance, but being brought by God the Spirit to the knowledge, understanding, and realization of what we are. It is one thing and a good thing indeed! To acknowledge a sinful deed or lifestyle and turn from it, but true repentance is the acknowledgement and turning away from SINFUL SELF. This involves not only my SINFUL self, but also my RIGHTEOUS sinful self; which, by the way, is far more odious to God and detrimental to the salvation and peace of one’s soul (Isa. 64:6; Phil. 3:1-9).
TRUE “repentance unto life” lives and abides in the soul, without regard to heaven or hell, pain or loss. Mr. Spurgeon used to ask the question, “How would you feel about sin if there was no heaven, no hell, and no judgment?” You see, true repentance never comes to a sinner because he has seen heaven or because he has seen hell, but because he has SEEN GOD! It is in God’s light that true repentance lives and abides. In God’s light the sinner sees what he is, knows what he is, and must live with that knowledge all the days of his life here below (Ps. 51; Rom. 7).
Thanks be unto God that whenever He gives true repentance to a sinful soul, it is always accompanied with faith in the gracious, sufficient, effectual Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ. Repentance turns away from self and faith turns to and embraces the Lord Jesus. This is that “repentance unto life.” Dear soul, do you have this repentance? Do you have a living faith in God’s Christ, the Lord Jesus? Are you a CONVERTED sinner?