"The Christian Wife" Eph. 5:22, Titus 2: 4&5, I Peter 3:1-12
Let us all be reminded that we MUST emulate Christ and His church. We can ask in our marriages "is this how Christ of His church would act or do?" Carnality will then have no place in the marriage bond. Titus shows this example for a wife as there were non scriptural practices going on.
Wives hold the honorable position of submission and obedience. The Bible never singles anyone or any position out, but finds these positions in the context of the church as the bride of our Lord Jesus Christ. This position is also not derogatory in any sense. And as we exercise ourselves in Christian liberty (not the worldly standards being any reflection in the Christian marriages) we MUST always glorify God under that liberty we have under Christ! As the church lives under the liberty and yoke of Christ, so our wives live under the husbands. Scripture talks about the relationship in which God has placed us and that we enter into when we say our vows as we stand and emulate Christ! I Corinthians 11:8-12- "From creation the man is NOT without the woman and the woman is not without man BUT ALL THINGS ARE OF GOD!! Us men too were given birth by the woman! God divinely interlocks the sexes so neither is dependent on each other but BOTH are dependent on God (even as marriage was instituted by Him.) When we talk about a list, we divide the oneness we have under Christ (when asking about submission.) Does the church ever chafe under the rule or Christ? As sanctified Christians we do not. It is the joy of a holy life of thankfulness to our bridegroom knowing the love and care of the bridegroom to His bride. Are we not convicted that whatever Christ does that it is always for our good as His bride? If NOT the case it is always a result of sin. It is the brides position to be true to that position. There IS a difference between a woman standing in single life under God and one who marries and is the wife.
Titus speaks in sound doctrine in regards to these things....that the young woman may be brought back to their senses in their calling as wives (of a sound mind.) The world has completely lost its senses in regards to marriage. It is MORE disowned that takes place, children are disregarded, ABORTED, and lives being lived are bordering insanity! Women must be a force to call the young women back to be of a sound mind in an insane world! Let our mothers be of such a force in our marriages! Proverbs says "he who has found a virtuous woman her price is ABOVE rubies." Once you find a virtuous woman I challenge you to treat her with anything LESS than love, adoration, and respect! She builds the family in this very respect here in scripture. It is impossible for a wife to operate if she receives superficial love, but supports and operates to the husband and family when she receives that true, unbridled love! But often sin enters in. Pray for grace that sin stays out of your marriages, that the world's insanity stays out!
Oh the delight and joy that the woman feels in a loving marriage (even as the church feels the same Joy in Christ.) A wife is all about the joy. We do not look for a piece of flesh to "shack up with permanently," BUT for a God fearing wife! When we do, we will have joys that last into all eternity!!!