"Seeking a wife for Isaac" Genesis 24:1-28 We saw recently and focused on the institution of marriage. We saw it was and institution of God, that it was NOT utilitarian as many around believe, and that it emulates and pictures Christ and His church, the very apple of His eye. How does God bring about these marriages though. Today, God does not take a rib like He did from Adam and form a woman.....but make no mistake, TODAY more than ever God still brings every man his wife!
Abraham had an overwhelming concern. "By faith Abraham looked for a city whose builder and maker is God." He confessed it in his life. He desired a better, a heavenly country and city! He was concerned for the promise of Christ, and even so in finding a wife for Isaac. His eye was fixed on heaven and heavenly things. The emphasis does NOT fall on Isaac when Abraham deals with a wife for him, but falls on the promise of Christ and the Kingdom. It was definitely vertical! He had two concerns and criteria. Negatively, don't give to my son of the daughters of the Canaanites, but get a wife from our home country and of our line. The Lord separates us beloved. We do NOT marry outside. See this in our schools, in our walk, in our life. We ARE CALLED to be separate. Called out of the "err of the Chaldeans." Also, "don't bring Isaac back there. Don't go back to the place that the Lord has called us to leave!" We make sure whomever we date embraces the ways of the Lord first and foremost! Not secondly or as a side note, but FIRST!!!
In the Old Testament they lived the picture that we might better understand and see these things. There was an oath required, with a hand on his side, "I want you to swear by Jehovah (the covenant name and who is all powerful) and He will prosper your way!" Swear by Jehovah! His servant brings us all of the excuses, possible problems, all the outcomes....but Abraham makes him SWEAR by Jehovah, that He would lead and guide...trust in Him and He would prosper his way! It was NOT by compromise, by amalgamation, but by TRUSTING in His word! Abraham has a concern for this. He was concerned. We too have a concern downright zeal for this! In the way of God's precepts we ask to be sent into circumstances that are in "His ways!" We do these things prayerfully. We don't expect blessing when we don't walk in His ways do we? Prayerfully. Prayerfully date and trust in HIS WAYS!
The result is the Lord brings Rebecca back. The Lord gave her a willingness after touching her heart. Some may disagree, but God STILL DOES THAT! The Lord will make it very plain in you whether your "Isaac" or "Rebecca" shapes the Lords values with you or not!
Very weighty things people. Don't compromise and give up the vertical for the horizontal. Be patient. Seek IN THE LORD. Then you can expect His blessing!!!