Ken Wimer | Shreveport, Louisiana
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Lost Sinners Jesus Christ Came to Save
Lost Sinners Jesus Christ Came to Save “For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost,”
Matthew 18:11
We often hear some speak of any sinner who is yet unregenerate as being lost. And yet, it would appear from Scripture that this is a term reserved for elect sinners, who are lost only for a time, being separated from God from birth in their experience, and at enmity with God in their minds, Colossians 1:21 . And yet, God has already chosen, reconciled and justified them through the redeeming work of Christ, Romans 5:9-11 , and will most certainly call them in time through the Gospel and His Spirit, 2 Corinthians 5:18 , causing them to know, believe on, and rest in Christ and His completed work of salvation at the cross for them as ALL their salvation.
In Matthew 18:11 and Luke 19:10 , we read that Christ’s purpose in coming into the world was to SEEK and to SAVE that which was lost. It was not just to try to seek, or attempt to save, but to actually save HIS lost sheep. He said in Matthew 15:24 , “I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” This is the reason He is the Successful Savior, even though rejected by the majority of national Israel and others today. He did not come for them, but for the lost sheep.They were lost in Adam’s fall, but being given to Christ in electing grace HE came to restore them, buying them back by His own precious blood, John 10:26-29 . What is clear is that our LORD will not, and does not lose ANY that the Father has given Him. They are His by election (John 18:9 ) and by redemption (John 10:14-16 ). Every one of them will be brought to life and drawn to Christ by the Spirit of God in time (John 6:37 ), and preserved and kept by Him unto final glory (John 17:12 ).
When we pray for the lost, we are not praying for just anybody, but those whom the Father has purposed to save in electing grace, and whom He has saved from the curse of their sin and condemnation of His holy law by the death of Christ. They may yet be rebels toward God, lost in their minds, hearts, and consciences, ignorant of the Gospel of God’s righteousness imputed from Christ alone, having no repentance toward God or faith toward the LORD Jesus Christ, 2 Timothy 2:25-26 , and yet, the Spirit of God in time does regenerate each one and bring them to Christ in repentance.
There are many who profess themselves ‘Christians’ and yet when confronted with the truth of their absolute depravity, and this message of salvation conditioned on Christ and His finished work alone, they become agitated and confrontational. They have never seen themselves as helpless, lost sinners. Some questioned our LORD asking, “Are we blind also?” He answered, ‘If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now YE SAY, ‘We see;’ THEREFORE your sin remaineth,’ John 9:40, 41 . The reality is, if you have never been lost, you have never been found. Let us, like blind Bartimaeus, cast aside our beggar’s cloak of self-will and self-righteousness, hearing Christ’s call, and run and bow at His feet as our only hope, Mark 10:49, 50 .
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