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Rev. John S. Mahon | Houston, Texas
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Ten Days in St. Petersburg, Russia …
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Ten Days in St. Petersburg, Russia …

Dear Prayer Warriors,
As I type this it is snowing hard and Eleanor is packing us up once again (didn’t we just do this?) After a very fruitful ten days in St. Petersburg, Russia, we board Aeroflot for Tyumen, deep in the heart of Siberia. We depart about midnight and arrive about 5 a.m.. (That will be 3pm and 8pm respectively Central Standard Time in the US, if you would like to pray.)

God has greatly blessed your ministry here with us as co-laborers and this blog will give you a report of all that God did through you. The Apostle (and great missionary) Paul used men on his team to give reports such as this. As revealed to us by God the Holy Spirit in Ephesians 6:21-22 “But that you also may know about my circumstances, how I am doing, Tychicus, the beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord, will make everything known to you. 22 I have sent him to you for this very purpose, so that you may know about us, and that he may comfort your hearts.” In the 21st century, God has provided the internet for the same purposes and we rejoice with you in bringing this report.

Your ministry of prayer greatly strengthened us for this ministry and empowered our teaching. At 65, I can feel the effects of jet lag and the challenges of the Russian winter more than at 45 but your prayers make up the difference as always. It is the same with a wonderfully challenging preaching and teaching schedule but, again, your prayers empower us and drive us ever forward. This is as it should be, as taught by God the Holy Spirit in 2 Corinthians 1:11 “you also joining in helping us through your prayers, so that thanks may be given by many persons on our behalf for the favor bestowed on us through the prayers of many.” Notice a few key words. God the Holy Spirit teaches that through your prayers:
1. You are joining us
2. You are helping us
3. You are causing the saints on the mission field to give thanks to God
4. You are bestowing special favor on our ministry. Now that is an exciting ministry and we praise God for your faithful part in it.

Your ministry of generosity has also blessed us and many others. As God the Holy Spirit teaches in 3 John 8 “Therefore we ought to support such men, so that we may be fellow workers with the truth.” Your gifts supply Bibles, Bible study aids, Bible reference works, conference fees for pastors who would otherwise not be able to attend and more. We are humbled by both your generosity and by the knowledge that it is only by your faith that this ministry is possible.

In terms of our report, in the last ten days:
We spoke 16 times to a total of over 250 individuals, including students preparing for the ministry, pastors and their wives, deacons, elders and church leaders, as well as key members of the churches in which we ministered.

In addition to the teaching on the Word, people were supplied with over 700 pages of printed devotional and Bible study aids. Upon our return, those who have shown daily consistency in the completion of the Lord Teach Me to Pray Workbook (which has been translated into Russian) or memorized Romans chapter eight will receive a Bible. Those who continue faithfully in their daily quiet time for three more months and commit to a lifestyle of meeting with the Lord in the morning will receive doctrine and prayer books from the Christian bookstore here in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Those who attended a meeting received a CD with all of the Bible study aids, devotional aids, Scripture memory aids and messages from our website in Russian. This is extremely helpful, as cost and time on internet makes downloads and live streaming prohibitive.

Both Sundays, we hosted after church luncheons at the local Teremok Restaurant, which is Russian “fast food”-- featuring blinhis (crepes), borscht (beet soup), Pelmenhi (like tortellini)and other favorites, where we were available to sit and talk individually and in small groups with couples concerning questions on marriage and child raising.

During unscheduled time, we spent many hours with Pastor Volkov and his wife, both in their home and on campus, ministering to their hearts, encouraging them and answering questions on marriage and family as they apply specifically to the pastor, his wife and family.

A breakdown of scheduled ministry events is as follows…
Sunday -Reformed Church St. Petersburg – “Called To Be A Disciple of Christ”
Monday -Couples dinner fellowship on marriage
Tuesday -St. Petersburg Christian University– church training seminar on prayer
Wednesday -with Pastor Volkov and his wife Natasha
Thursday -Noon chapel service St. Petersburg Christian University – “Biblical Value of Knowledge” (Back to school opening chapel service) (30 in attendance)
Thursday afternoon and evening -St. Petersburg Christian University – “Scriptural Prayer” Seminar
Friday -Shopping at Christian bookstore and preparation day for weekend ministry
Saturday -Multi-church pastor/leadership Marriage Covenant Seminar (Methodist, Baptist and Presbyterian) (20 in attendance)
Sunday -Reformed Church St. Petersburg – John teaches combined men’s class – “How To Organize A Prayer Notebook” and Eleanor teaches combined ladies class – “How To Pray for Yourself as a Wife”
In addition, after each Sunday service we had the after-church fellowships.
Monday -pack and depart for Tyumen in central Siberia, where a full month of ministry awaits us.

Two passages you can claim for this ministry as it pertains to “conserving the fruit” are:
John 15:16-17n" You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you.”
Mark 4:20 "And those are the ones on whom seed was sown on the good soil; and they hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold."

By His mercy,
II Corinthians 4:1
Rev. John S. Mahon: Director Grace Community International – heading east into Siberia as we preach Jesus and teach His holy, eternal, inerrant written Word.

Category:  Cameroon - 2016

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