As a Church Pastor who also holds a degree in technical management, I would like to offer some helpful advice on how YOU can help your Church, encourage your Pastor, and share the Gospel all at the same time. It is a known fact that nearly every Church these days has some type of Social Media account. Whether it be Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or some other social site, we all have them. The purpose of a Church having these accounts is two-fold; to share the Gospel through uploading sermons, music, Sunday school lessons, and helpful writings - and for announcements, invitations, and information about the Church for potential visitors/members.
According to Zephoria Digital Marketing, there are currently 2.32 billion monthly active Facebook users. (Read more interesting statistics here: )
If you are reading this post, then you are one of those 2.32 billion users. One of the greatest things that you can do as a Church member, is to get active in sharing, liking, and commenting on your Church’s social media posts. This will show your friends that you love your Church and agree with the things that happen there. Many of your friends are out of Church or unchurched and are searching for a place where they might fit in. You sharing a post from your Church may just be the thing that gives them the courage to visit or to find out more information.
The truth is, our current culture is a media driven culture. Looking for a Church is not like it used to be. In times-past folks would randomly drive around from Church to Church going to a service or two trying to make a decision. Nowadays they check the Internet first. They enter keywords of what they are looking for and see where Google or Facebook takes them. By you sharing your Church’s social media posts, you increase the chances of someone that is searching for a Church like yours to find it.
Lastly, speaking as a Pastor I can tell you that it really encourages your Pastor when he sees that you have taken the time to share posts from your Church. It lets him know that you are happy being a member there and that you are excited to let other people know it. Plus, it is one more effort to share the Gospel to a lost and dying world. It’s a win-win situation!
So… since you are on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. every day, why not share something from your Church’s page? It just might make your Pastor smile!
Pastor Byron S. Chesney, Th.D.
Highland Baptist Church, 6014 Babelay Rd. Knoxville, TN 37924. | | | |