The beatitudes are sayings of blessedness, happiness, and great joy. Jesus speaks of the Kingdom of Heaven. It is a heavenly Kingdom as He states first and foremost. It is founded and made possible in His blood. It will be seen in all its fullness and beauty when He comes again. Jesus further describes the characteristics and virtues of its citizens and we ask do these things describe you and me? If they do we belong to that Kingdom and are most joyful!
Remember the beatitudes are paradoxical. They are foolishness and make no sense to the world. They call them nonsense, but we who are in Christ understand them.
*Poor in spirit. Not those who are broke but those who are poor spiritually. Those spiritually distraught because your sins bother you as you storm the cross. *Those who mourn. Those who are sad. Not like the Pharisee, but the sad publican who is brought to the cross. Sad as we are transgressors in need of forgiveness. *Meek. Not the proud but those dependent on the Lord Jesus Christ for everything! *Hungry. Not those that wanted to feed the world, but those who hunger and thirst for Christ!
We all have to go to the cross to find blessedness. Blessedness that gives us true and lasting happiness. To know your poverty, your hunger, is to KNOW Christ as children of God who live with Him forevermore.
Do you know your poverty? Do you share these qualities?