A favorite topic among Christians though we may not always understand it properly. We are however, called to live in Christian liberty! The judaizers did NOT appreciate the liberty that the Apostle Paul preached, wanting to bring people back to the legalisms, the jot and tittles of the law which always leads to dead orthodoxy and living without it being from the heart. Licentiousness often too must be guarded against where we let the will of God go. We live NOT in outward conformity, but live from the HEART, sanctified, and to His Glory!
When we talk about freedom or liberty you would think we're talking about politics. But we are talking about religion. Often we talk about Christian liberty negatively (sin) and the fact that Christ has delivered us from the bondage of it just like Israel. We have been delivered- TRUE! We talk about liberty as we are delivered FROM something but we must talk about what liberty GIVES us! We do not live as a vacuum people of God. We MUST delight in the inward man within us! Christ fulfilled the law and in doing so gives us His Spirit to live a sanctified life. The law doesn't PASS AWAY as some want to think but becomes the law of liberty and STILL STANDS!!! They are in-vogue, but we are no longer UNDER it in condemnation which was taken on by Christ...but it has become liberty unto us. Freedom to the child of God. A DELIGHT! A realm to live in! An inward submission to serve God from the heart as he demands!!!
In the original it reads "a CONTINUAL STANDING" in the law. Not in bondage to imply your righteousness depends on your own keeping...it is IN CHRIST!..and has been fulfilled in Him. The law of God was paradise even in the hearts of Adam and Eve. They knew it as the inward obedience that God had given to them. Some even preach another gospel when it comes to this however.....and do even today! The law ALWAYS pointed to Christ and still does! And we adopt them as we live to God from the heart. Not as legalism and dead orthodoxy. You and I stand in the realm of God with an obedient HEART. A fish is FREE in his element but DEAD when taken out of it. An so it is with the child of God. The law from the inside out that has been restored unto us even though we are in our flesh! Alive to Christ so that we can live in the realm of Christian liberty! Remember Christ fulfilled the law, He did not do away with it!
A tremendous freedom belongs to us to serve God as He delights in His law. As a husband, mother, in our homes, in our callings. That is our delight even as we will experience a struggle with our flesh if we are living from the heart. Make God FIRST and FOREMOST. Stand even among the struggles and live as a fish in the water and swim in our liberty.