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Why My Family Tithes
Posted by: Christ Church of Acadiana | more..
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First, a Definition of Tithe

Plenty define the tithe un-biblically. They see it as the Lance Armstrong of giving when its really the training wheels. Erroneously holding that giving 10% is the highest ideal of giving, they selfishly indulge in the remaining 90%. On the other end, some hold that tithing is sinful and a sign that someone is in bondage to legalism. I hope to topple this exaggeration. And, finally there is the argument from abuse that sees the practice and teaching of tithing as a manipulative tool that hireling leaders use to fund their private jets. This is unfortunately a reality. False teachers do abuse the teaching of tithe. They abuse all the teachings of Scripture; and never once does their abuse of a teaching nullify the teaching itself.

Let’s get our definition from the Bible. Lev. 27:30 “A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the Lord; it is holy to the Lord.” Here we learn that

  • A tithe is a tenth of everything and should therefore not be used as a synonym for giving.
  • It belongs to the Lord and therefore should be distinguished from offerings and donations which may be freely given or withheld.
  • It is to be set apart (Holy) to the Lord.
  • For further study see Mal. 3:8-9; Deut. 14:22-23

But we are free from the Old Testament Law! Right?
Immediately upon reading the abbreviation, Lev. you may have (in memory of Brave Heart) declared yourself no longer in bondage to such Old testament legalism. FREEDOM! But not too fast, be aware that there is a continuity between the Old and the New Testament. The Old Testament verses expecting the children of Israel to tithe do have some application to us today. The question is how directly are we to apply these Old Testament instructions to tithe to us today. My point here is not to tackle this incredibly complex issue but….
Let me ask one question to those who refuse to submit to the Old Testament instructions to tithe: When you read the New Testament (especially Acts 4) do you get the impression that God now expects less than 10%? So, throw off the bondage of the tithe as you see fit, but don’t then conclude that the New Testament teaches 2%. (I choose 2.5% as an example because that is typically what people give who are free from the “legalism” of tithing.) The New Testament goes well beyond the teaching of tithe. It takes the training wheels off if you will. But, it can in no way be misconstrued as teaching less than tithe. So, consider that your issue with tithing may not be exegetical or textual.

14 Reasons to Tithe without Opening the Old Testament. I came to the conclusion that my family should tithe long before I felt an Old Testament obligation to do so. Why?

Everyone gives to their god/s. It became apparent to my wife and I that everyone gives first fruits to some god. Ex. 22:29; Num. 18:12, 24; Neh. 13:12; Lev. 19:23-25; 23:14; Deut. 26:1-15; Prov. 3:9-10
Spiritual warfare learned from the Puritans: Tithing is a spiritual discipline that protects, resists, protests and makes a statement. Money is a great danger and temptation in the Christian life. The laws of tithing protected Israel from the dangers. Like seat belt laws which protect us from head implosions there is a spirit under the letter of the law itself, a spirit of protection that should not be quickly thrown off simply because you are free to do so. The New Testament frees us in some sense from the law, but it never frees us to be reckless and stupid with the dangers and temptations of this world. Let us not use our freedom as an occasion or opportunity for the flesh and the devil (Gal. 5:13).
Spiritual Formation learned from the Monasteries: Tithing is an ancient habit/system/practice that has repeatedly helped believers become generous saints. It is infinitely more effective at spiritual formation than no habit. For more on the use of habit for spiritual formation see Gal 6:7; James 1:22; 1 Tim 4:7; Heb 5:14; Luke 4:16; 5:16; Acts 17:2.
The overwhelming testimony of Church History: Mature saints concerned with resisting the power of the self and striving after godliness in all avenues of life have been tithing for millennia. (Jesus, Augustine, Jerome, Irenaeus)
Personal Pastoral Experience: I have never met a church goer who has become a radically generous person who didn’t first discipline themselves with tithe. Instead, those who don’t develop the discipline of tithe are constantly in debt, contributing tips to the church and frankly being incompetent stewards.
Statistics: If Western Christians all gave a minimum of 10 percent, the goal of world evangelism and feeding the hungry would be within reach. But that would just be the beginning, because often people who learn to tithe move on to freewill offerings far beyond that.
Common Sense: Without a reference point, where do you start giving? Why not start where God started his children, Israel? Tithing may begin as a duty but often it becomes a delight. For faithful Israelites, unclenching their fists and opening them to God had a thousand trickle-down benefits. Is it really any different for us today?

The New Testament instructions to provide for ministers. Gal. 6:6

The Early church’s example. Acts 4:32-35

The “free” american church’s giving record. The Israelites gave 10% and beyond; whereas, the American church who proudly holds to “grace” giving gives about 2.5%. This is a mockery of grace and freedom. We have used our “freedom” form the law as an occasion to get fat.

Freedom from fear. Emily and I realized that if we reduced our income by 10% we would not die. Seriously, you won’t die. You won’t starve. You won’t necessarily be able to remain Forever21, but Forever38 should be fine.

The Psychology of debt. Emily and I realized that debt was not a good enough reason to withhold the tithe. Why? People rarely come out of debt until their money-mindset changes and nothing changes a money-mindset better than generosity.

The Principle of Reaping and Sowing. The Bible says that God will provide for those who are generous. I realized that I needed his provision to get out of debt and didn’t foresee him abundantly providing while I was not being generous. 2 Cor. 9:6

Peter’s instructions. 1 Pet. 5:3

Jesus’ instructions. So, WWJD! Luke 11:42
Hope these help you grow as managers of God’s assets!
Pastor Brandon

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