Today, part of my bible reading was in John 19. In verse 15, the chief priests cried out, "We have no King but Caesar." Think about those words for a few minutes. How could the priests reject God? The preists desired to reject Jesus as their Messiah. Yet in doing so, they rejected God also. How did they come to this? Why did they speak those words?
Were they so assimilated into the Roman culture that they didn't recognize their statement was a rejection of God? Were they afraid of offending Pilate? Was their desire to get along in their culture so great that they didn't recognize what they said?
I think about this in our society today. Have we become so in love with America that we do not realize that we could be rejecting God.? What is most important to us, making America great or loving God? Are we so concerned with getting along in our society today that we do not recognize how our statements may really be against God?
I'm sure that if the situation was laid out simply for the chief priests, they would not choose to reject God. They did'nt recognize they were choosing Caesar over God. They were choosing Caesar over one they thought was an insurrectionist. They were only looking at immediate circumstances. In those immediate circumstances they made their choice. In making their choice, they rejected God.
As we think about these verses, let me caution you. Make sure that your love for America does not cause you to reject God. He is to be primary in your life. Remember, we are not citizens of this world, we are citizens of heaven. We are not to put down stakes in this world, we are pilgrims, looking for a city whose builder and maker is God.