Sola Gratia [Grace Alone]
Sola Fide [Faith Alone]
Solus Christus [Christ Alone]
Sola Scriptura [Scripture Alone]
Soli Deo Gloria [Glory to God Alone]
Pastor Gabriel Grossi
Pastor Jim Capo, Massapequa Church of God
Pastor Jim Domm, Englewood Baptist Church
Pastor Richard Jensen, Hope Reformed Baptist Church
Friday, October 30th, 2009:
7:30pm Special Music and Worship
8:00pm “SOLA SCRIPTURA”- Pastor Gabriel Grossi
9:00pm Fellowship (with refreshments)
Saturday, October 31st, 2009:
9:30am Special Music and Worship
10:00am “SOLA GRATIA”- Pastor Gabriel Grossi
11:00am Break
11:30am “Reformation Timeline” Slide Presentation
12:30pm Lunch (bring your own or local restaurants)
2:00pm “SOLA FIDE”- Pastor Jim Capo
3:00pm Break
3:30pm Special Music and Worship
4:00pm “SOLUS CHRISTUS”- Pastor Jim Domm
5:00pm Dinner (provided at low cost — Children under 3—free, ages 3-11—$4, ages 12 & up—$6 (2 for $10.31, 3 for $15.17, Maximum family charge—$25)
7:00pm Special Music and Worship
7:30pm “SOLI DEO GLORIA”- Pastor Richard Jensen
8:30pm Fellowship (with refreshments)
PLEASE NOTE: From 2-5pm on Saturday the 31st, we will have “Reformation” themed activities designated for children (pre-k to 5th grade) in a separate part of our church building.
Sola Gratia [Grace Alone]
Sola Fide [Faith Alone]
Solus Christus [Christ Alone]
Sola Scriptura [Scripture Alone]
Soli Deo Gloria [Glory to God Alone]
Pastor Gabriel Grossi
Pastor Jim Capo, Massapequa Church of God
Pastor Jim Domm, Englewood Baptist Church
Pastor Richard Jensen, Hope Reformed Baptist Church
Friday, October 30th, 2009:
7:30pm Special Music and Worship
8:00pm “SOLA SCRIPTURA”- Pastor Gabriel Grossi
9:00pm Fellowship (with refreshments)
Saturday, October 31st, 2009:
9:30am Special Music and Worship
10:00am “SOLA GRATIA”- Pastor Gabriel Grossi
11:00am Break
11:30am “Reformation Timeline” Slide Presentation
12:30pm Lunch (bring your own or local restaurants)
2:00pm “SOLA FIDE”- Pastor Jim Capo
3:00pm Break
3:30pm Special Music and Worship
4:00pm “SOLUS CHRISTUS”- Pastor Jim Domm
5:00pm Dinner (provided at low cost — Children under 3—free, ages 3-11—$4, ages 12 & up—$6 (2 for $10.31, 3 for $15.17, Maximum family charge—$25)
7:00pm Special Music and Worship
7:30pm “SOLI DEO GLORIA”- Pastor Richard Jensen
8:30pm Fellowship (with refreshments)
PLEASE NOTE: From 2-5pm on Saturday the 31st, we will have “Reformation” themed activities designated for children (pre-k to 5th grade) in a separate part of our church building.
Grace Reformed Baptist Church of L.I. 36 Smith Street Merrick, NY 11566
(516) 379-2408
Please register below if you would like to attend. There is no charge for the conference, only the Saturday dinner.
Please indicate in the comments section below the following information, if applicable: Will you require nursery care assistance (provided for ages 3 and under)? If so, for how many children?
Will you be participating in our Saturday fellowship dinner? How many adults? Children? Please send a check, made payable to "GRBC", for the amounts shown, to the above address. Please note on the check that it's for the "Ref. Conf. Dinner".
Will any of your children be participating in our special Saturday children’s events (see above)? If so, how many and what are their ages (ages Pre-k to 5th Grade)?