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News Item11/22/14 4:36 PM
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Seriously??? Have y'all listened to anything Billy Graham has ever said??? He preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ, straight up. If you were in the public eye we could nit-pick every, single thing you've ever uttered and claim you're going to hell. Have y'all ever heard of grace???

"There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit." (Romans 8:1)

News Item11/24/13 2:36 AM
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Thank you, 1517 and John UK, for the eloquent words about Mr. Lewis. He was a remarkable writer and apologist who very deftly and genuinely defended the Christian faith.

It seems as if those bashing Lewis have not actually read any of his works. GsTexas, you find the Chronicles of Narnia heretical? Is it due to his use of mythology? He was a professor and taught mythology. It is a children's story that very brilliantly presents the simple gospel to children. Also, Mike, I don't believe anyone is "following him."

Try more than a few quotes, GsTexas...These are some I have read and have thoroughly enjoyed.

-Surprised By Joy-an autobiography chronicling his childhood, years of atheism, and coming to Christ.
-Mere Christianity-a classic of Christian apology.
-Pilgrim's Regress-loved this.
-Chronicles of Narnia-fantasy, "fairy" story by someone who very obviously KNOWS his Savior.
-Screwtape Letters-fiction; a demon writes letters to his protege about how to distract mortals from God; an excellent study on the human condition.

I thank God for raising up men like C.S. Lewis who can think deeply and expressly themselves so eloquently. God uses many different types of people to reach many different types of people. The atheists don't own intellectualism...

News Item11/23/13 11:07 PM
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Let's be careful not to discount the spiritual gifts, including tongues, just because people abuse these passages to justify babbling and barking like dogs. The abuse of these passages and what passes for speaking in tongues does not discount what Scripture says.

Also, for anyone to say, "If there are spiritual gift still today why are people being not being healed and resurrected?" First of all, how do we know people are not being healed and resurrected? Are you everywhere all the time? Secondly, in Matthew 13:58, it says about Jesus, "Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief."--Were the "gifts" not available to Jesus in Nazareth?

Also, in Samuel we are told, "Now the boy Samuel ministered to the Lord before Eli. And the word of the Lord was rare in those days; there was no widespread revelation."

Be careful to discount portions of Scripture (for example, being a so-called "cessasionist") because certain groups have misused and misunderstood those gifts. Please consider the whole counsel of God!

News Item11/23/13 1:37 PM
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Of course people abuse and misread the Scripture, but you cannot throw out Biblical admonition and passages just because people abuse them. If that were the case, much of the Scripture would be off limits. MacArthur, once again, is taking his own prejudices and uncomfortableness with certain Biblical passages and bashing people for believing in the entire counsel of God. Good for Piper for standing on the Word.

News Item11/5/13 3:07 PM
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As a Christian, a homeschooler, and an adoptive parent, I also was disheartened and angered to see Scripture twisted in using it to describe the torture that these people put this child through. How about this quote from the article: "Hana was beaten and starved as part of a regimen of corporal punishment subscribed to by many Christian homeschoolers and other Christian fundamentalists."

Have some who claim to Christians forgotten that "discipline" is the same word as "disciple;" the meaning of those words is "student." Some seem to think it means little more than spanking and punishing, and to these people torture! That's not discipline; discipline is training up a child in the way they should go, being taught in the ways of the Lord; not being treated less than an animal.

News Item7/5/13 5:03 PM
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As a parent of adopted children, it also saddens and angers me what this will do to people's attitudes about adoption, which will only lead to more orphans. satan hates children and will stop at nothing to kill and destroy them and keep them out of loving families. This sickens me to no end!

News Item6/26/13 9:31 AM
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Well, you could have seen this coming a mile away. This is what redefining marriage leads to. Next, God forbid, are the pedophiles...

News Item6/6/13 11:01 AM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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Amen! God is always raising up and putting into the right places those who will speak His name boldly. No matter what they do to this young man, they can't touch him!

News Item5/30/13 12:00 PM
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Thank God for this man...

News Item4/11/13 4:25 PM
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I think you're misunderstanding what Dr. Craig is saying. Did you read the article? He is in no way saying that a homosexuality is right. What he is saying when he says, "What the Bible condemns is not a homosexual orientation" is that the Bible condemns our sin nature. We are ALL born with a sin nature...everyone of us. He clearly said, "What you shouldn’t be is a confessing Christian and a practicing homosexual." None of us who are confessing Christians should be practicing sinners. That most certainly DOES NOT mean that we don't all struggle daily with sin, daily. Matthew 5:28 is telling us that we are all sinners...all of us! It is a constant struggle, homosexuals or not!

Dr. Craig is right; have a little discernment.

News Item4/3/13 3:06 PM
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So, so sad for this family; they lost a father at their hands of their son, and they lost a son to "allah." God help us all!

News Item3/25/13 11:40 AM
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Amen! Well said.

News Item3/24/13 3:37 PM
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Really, guys? Are you serious? I'm not suggesting it's okay to use the term "Oh, my God" but do you really not know what it means to take the Lord's name in vain? He wasn't talking about cursing. I figured people on a site such as this would have gone past such children's church simplified readings of the Word of God...

And when I read this kind of stuff, when the heinous, dark depravity of man is open for all to see and reflect on, may we all call out, "Oh, my God, have mercy on us."

News Item3/22/13 3:21 PM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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Anne, God bless you for sharing; what a heart-rending decision you had to make. I also pray for an end to abortion. My husband and I experienced losing a child through ectopic pregnancy several years ago. Ectopic pregnancy is looked at differently because the baby cannot survive it and, if not terminated, the mother's life is in grave danger and almost certain death. I really struggled with this. The baby was not going to survive, but inside of me I struggled with what was happening to my baby. In the end, after many days of crying myself to sleep, I had to trust that God knew what He was doing; He still does!

I also grappled with questions like, "Why do we have the termination of pregnancy down to a fine science, including several different methods, yet why hasn't anyone found a remedy for ectopic pregnancies? Surely in this day and age of such medical wonders as in-utero surgery we could learn how to move an improperly implanted embryo (like in ectopic pregnancy) and implant that embryo in the correct spot. I might have tried that, even if there was some risk to myself... But that option was not even close to there, because we live in a culture of death, not a culture of life.

"Come, Lord Jesus!" and have mercy on us.

News Item2/25/13 3:45 PM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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If this is true (which I only doubt because it's from World Net Daily), which it very may be, then Mr. Johnson, black or not, was just as wrong as all of the people who owned slaves henceforth. Ownership of another human being is wrong and goes against the whole counsel of God and the very Spirit of the law of God. If showing that a black man owned the first slave proves some kind of point, I don't know what it is. Slavery, and the unjust treatment of people even after slavery based on the color of their skin, is wrong anyway you paint it.

News Item1/23/13 2:22 PM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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New Testament "sorcery" is Greek word "pharmakeia."

Revelation 9:20 "Neither repented they of their murders nor of their sorceries (pharmakeia), nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts"

Revelation 18:23 "And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries (pharmakeia) were all nations deceived."

All nations deceived by "pharmakeia."

Of course it's sin that is the problem, not drugs, necessarily; but there is a warning in here about what is sin... We want quick fixes to our problems instead of putting in the time to cultivate a relationship with our Creator. I'm not saying no one ever needs drugs; I'm saying let's not be deceived that a little pill is the answer to our ills.

News Item1/8/13 11:49 AM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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The writer, or whoever decided on it, used "dirty,dirty" in the title to grab attention, but his point is valid. If we don't believe that Jesus got His hands dirty so to speak, we don't even begin to understand the total and utter condescension of the incarnation, not to mention the whole point of His life, death, and resurrection. His hands were dirtied so ours could be clean. He was/is the only one who could dirty His hands to take on sin and death, yet remain Holy.

News Item12/13/12 8:20 AM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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"Keep the merry...dump the myth." There's a picture of Santa and Jesus. Are they serious? Do they not see their own intellectual dishonesty? When he says, "We encourage people to be honest with themselves and their families this year. If you don't believe in god, tell your family – honesty is the greatest gift, and they deserve it," he left out the part where we continue to lie to children about Santa Claus. I understand that he is talking to the people who believe Jesus is real and God. But our children believe that Santa is real, and we continue the myth; are we being honest about Santa Claus this year, too? He's on the billboard! Why is that okay? I guess it's only okay to believe something that makes you feel "merry," regardless of whether it's real or not, and we'll lie to our children about the truth so they can feel "merry" for CHRISTmas. So much for the American Atheists and their "honesty."

Come, Lord Jesus!

News Item11/30/12 2:56 PM
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Is anybody surprised about the mess coming from this guy still? Always expect it from that quarter... Does anyone take him seriously any more? Unfortunately, yes...

News Item9/29/12 11:46 AM
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""The number, supposedly based on the lifetime costs of the typical woman who uses birth control regularly during her lifetime, is astronomical — especially considering the fact women and purchase a package of birth control pills for as little as $9 at a local drug store""

The Democrat political policy of killing babies is being rammed home in all ways.

Satan is definitely a Democrat.

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