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Sermon11/22/2020 11:24 PM
Lynda | Inverness  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lynda
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I Am Thankful
J. D. Hatfield
“ Thanks indeed! ”
I am so thankful too! So many reasons but your presence in the pulpit today is a great blessing. Thank you for words and heart. We are missing everyone but doing well.

Sermon11/9/2020 1:07 PM
Lynda  Find all comments by Lynda
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Jesus' Heart in Your Prayer
J. D. Hatfield
“ Spoke to my heart ”
JD- thanks for presenting this “invested” aspect to prayer. I always think in terms of my kids and so I strongly related to that picture of prayer.

Sermon8/17/2020 12:15 PM
Lynda | Inverness  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lynda
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Safe in the Arms of God
J. D. Hatfield
“ Great Sermon! ”
God is in the timing of this sermon JD. It hits home and identifies my subconscious actions for what they are-

Sermon4/19/2020 11:45 AM
Lynda | Inverness  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lynda
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On Him We Have Set Our Hope
J. D. Hatfield
“ Great encouragement ”
JD- thanks for faithfully bringing Gods word and hope to us. Encouraged today.

Sermon4/3/19 11:17 AM
Lynda | Inverness  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lynda
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The Church that Jesus Rejects
J. D. Hatfield
“ Sorry I missed the live presentation ”
I think there might be a bad wire on mike. Several times of staticky interference. Another great sermon JD. thanks

News Item1/12/18 3:58 PM
Lynda  Find all comments by Lynda
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Unable to select sermon using church id code or name

Can select "my church"

News Item11/17/16 12:25 PM
Lynda | Maryland  Find all comments by Lynda
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I would take this to Trump and crew, Congress, and the Senate and have info validated and get nation wide news coverage (since today nov 18 news reported hillery's popular vote since election has grown by over 1 million) and CBS news reported Hillary will use an old law to change electoral vote by 20 Dec to overturn election and become president afterall.. of course with the help of her very very wealthy extreme left friend George soros .. thank you for taking this comment into consideration!!

Sermon9/13/16 11:20 PM
lynda | Inverness  Find all comments by lynda
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Very applicable to my current situation. Thank you!

News Item12/20/15 4:05 AM
Lynda | Australia  Find all comments by Lynda
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Dolores, I don't know you but I've read enough of your posts lately to know that you do not have a spirit of truth. You are a follower of men and men's traditions. A bit of advice: keep your eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ and stop idolising men like the Grahams and the traditions of men.
"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world."
1 John 4:1.

Don't bother responding because I'm done with these forums. I was under the false impression that these forums were for those earnestly contending for truth and seeking to worship the Lord Jesus Christ in spirit AND truth. God bless the people on here that are doing just that. Thank God that He will always have his remnant! I admire those of you doing it, I no longer have the time and energy for debating people who don't actually want the truth.

You and some others are hindering that and are turning people off from being a part of these discussions and the pursuit of the Lord's truth. Please stop it and I would beseech that you pray earnestly to God to give you a spirit of truth. Slander me and call me whatever you like but sorry from what you post you on here it is evident that you are under a strong delusion.I will be praying for you.

News Item12/14/15 9:54 PM
Lynda | Australia.  Find all comments by Lynda
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I agree Frank. It's estimated that 97% of abortions are those of convenience and given that the mothers convince themselves that its just a whole bunch of cell tissue being aborted why would they care how it ends up? It's like when you tell people that aborted baby tissue is used in many vaccines, the majority of people couldn't care less.

We are living in an age of mass deception and with digital television further amping up subliminal messaging, coupled with an evil main stream media that's duping the masses on an absolutely monumental scale, much of the time you feel like you are talking to mindless drones. It doesn't matter how much truth you present, nothing penetrates. So no, I don't think most people care where aborted babies end up. And that is such a sad indictment of the present age we find ourselves living in.

News Item12/13/15 7:08 PM
Lynda | Australia.  Find all comments by Lynda
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Oh dear.  I'm new to these forums and I had no idea that there was all these problems amongst various users.  I hear what you are saying John from Wales but we are commenting on news stories that SermonAudio puts up and sorry but sadly that usually involves things from heretics.

You can get caught up in exposing heretics but as a boxer that goes into a fight who studies his opponent to know his tactics we as born again Christians need to know the devices of our enemy.  There are too many people getting swept away from the straight and narrow path by the smorgasbord of heretics that sadly abound. 
“Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.”  2 Corinthians  2:11. Maybe I'm naive but I thought that there was people out there who do want to know the tactics of satan (who is subtle).  People link to sermons to help others who do want to be informed.  You don't have to listen to all of them and listening to them when you are doing other tasks like washing the dishes or driving is not a drain on your time.

Exposing heretics does not mean that is what you spend all your time doing.Studying the word is paramount, a side effect is it makes spotting heretics much easier.We don't have to be obsessed with them but the bible does tell us to mark t

News Item12/13/15 5:07 AM
Lynda | Australia  Find all comments by Lynda
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No worries fellow Aussie Dave

The links got cut off so if you are interested in finding out more about him here they are:

Audio: C.S Lewis - In his own words - part 1:

Audio: C.S Lewis - In his own words- part 2:


News Item12/13/15 2:57 AM
Lynda | Australia  Find all comments by Lynda
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When are Christians going to stop fawning over C.S. Lewis...the guy was not a born again Christian. He was a heretic, obessed with witchcraft and mythology and a wannabe Catholic and denied many fundamental biblical truths.

"Lewis termed himself "very Catholic" -- his prayers for the dead, belief in purgatory, and rejection of the literal resurrection of the body, he even went to a priest for regular confession and received the sacrament of extreme unction. His contention that some pagans may "belong to Christ without knowing it" is a destructive heresy as was his statement that "Christ fulfils both Paganism and Judaism". Lewis believed that we're to become "gods," an apparent affirmation of theistic evolution. He also believed the Book of Job is "unhistorical"  and that the Bible contained "error" and is not divinely inspired . Lewis used profanities, told bawdy stories, and frequently got drunk with his students.  There are many that assert that both Tolkien and Lewis were closet members of the Golden Dawn. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was a amalgamation of Freemasonry, Theosophy,Eliphas Levi'sTeachings,  Enochian Magic, The Kabbalah and medieval grimoire. An early member was Aleister Crowley"

News Item12/9/15 11:39 PM
Lynda | Australia  Find all comments by Lynda
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Hi Sc from Oh,

Well said and thank you for speaking up about Christmas. I'm another believer who no longer buys into the RCC Christmas lie. God always has his servants who expose the truth about things like this and the information is out there in abundance if you are after the truth. Here is one of many good teachings out there on this topic: It's called "X-Mas: The Biggest Pagan Holiday/Holyday of the Year."

From my experience however, unfortunately it doesn't matter how much evidence you give folks. Man's traditions have a powerful grip on people and they don't want to give them up. It wasn't something I found easy to come out of it. It is so ingrained in most of us since birth. But God is looking for people to worship Him in spirit and in truth and He does help those earnestly looking for truth and will set them free.

Sermon12/9/15 5:42 AM
Lynda | Australia.  Find all comments by Lynda
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“ Dig deeper. ”
You guys say we should look at the foundations when considering whether our children should watch a particular movie and not just the wallpaper. With all due respect you guys need to dig far deeper. You say there are some good Pixar movies. Pixar is owned by Disney. Walt Disney was a 33 degree Freemason, and if you delve into what he was involved in it was absolutely sick. It is estimated that approximately 40% of Disney’s employees are homosexuals and that they have the largest gay and lesbian employee organisations in the entertainment industry. They are one of the top sponsors of pro-homosexual TV programmes and ‘Gay Days’ at Disney World was incorporated in June of 1990. There is a eight part audio series exposing Disney: And if you study the history of Hollywood and what it's goals are, you can kid yourself all you like, but there is nothing good coming out of it:

News Item12/7/15 8:15 PM
Lynda | Australia  Find all comments by Lynda
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And remind yourself that when you stand before Almighty God He is not going to care one iota whether your children were maths geniuses, were well versed in all the classics or were up to date with information technology.

Rather that you bought them up to fear and love God. That you taught them His attributes and how that they are sinners who desperately need the Lord Jesus Christ. And you taught them the snares of satan which we are surrounded by in every single aspect of our culture. To be as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves.

Teaching them to be literate and having numeracy skills is important but it's easy to get too carried away with sourcing the best curriculum and the latest teaching methods. This life is temporary, we are pilgrims passing through. In the end your children's future career will not be the be all and end all. God is eternal, knowing about Him trumps anything else that you could possibly teach your children.

News Item12/5/15 9:12 PM
Lynda | Australia  Find all comments by Lynda
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Thanks MS. Another good teaching is at Contending For Truth by Scott Johnson. It's called "Billy Graham, Homosexuals, Catholics & Apostasy." You can listen to the audio or read the PDF. Scott Johnson is always very thorough.

News Item12/5/15 7:06 PM
Lynda | Australia.  Find all comments by Lynda
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Totally agree Ladybug. What astounds me is that there are a number preachers on SA who preach some sound biblical sermons yet still fawn over Billy Graham. There is an abundance of information out there exposing his apostasy (I've seen his infamous interview with Robert Sculler in 1997 numerous times on many different docos) so I ask myself do they honesty not know or are they blinded by the truth or they simply don't care. That is, because he has been presented as a wonderful poster boy of Christianity so many times they are simply convinced that he is, despite the evidence to the contrary.

His blatant heresy will ring loud and clear to anyone who is biblically sound. And if you have never heard the interview and no nothing about his deceit then read this:

News Item12/2/15 2:29 AM
Lynda | Australia.  Find all comments by Lynda
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Yes, there is nothing 'gay' about sodomy. It's an euphemism to make us all comfortable with it and I can understand why the secular media use it but it really grates on me when Christian media or pastors use it.

There was nothing unloving about that letter and it's actually good to know that there are some churches left that do still see homosexuality as a sin and don't lead those in their churches that are homosexuals to hell by not calling it for what it is.."God made you that way," "As long as you are in a loving, committed relationship then it is ok," and all the related nonsense that many supposed Christian churches commonly say.

This church did what they are biblically supposed to do.

News Item12/1/15 8:40 PM
Lynda | Australia  Find all comments by Lynda
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