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News Item1/11/12 7:54 PM
Not your pope  Find all comments by Not your pope
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Luther in the Fast Lane

A brilliant Ph.D. Roman Catholic priest remarks: "Eureka! I've discovered *the* secret key that finally unlocks Heaven's door."

Thrilled, he emails his "theological novum" to the Pope who quickly replies he's incorrect.

Though bummed but through the increasing power of his newfangled salvation, he replies that he and his buds are splitting unless the Vicar of Christ knuckles under and agrees with his terms & conditions.

His Holiness texts: "Ok?"

Now consumed with power, twittering millions of followers by the moonlight, they take off in a huff to embrace his new truth.

Sadly, his soul is immediately required of him but as a consolation his followers name their newly-minted and growing denomination after him just as the strike of midnight.

Soli Deo Gloria!

News Item1/11/12 6:20 PM
Not your pope  Find all comments by Not your pope
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“God has left clues in the world He has made. His invisible qualities are clearly seen so that men are without excuse (Romans).

“There are people who say the earth is 6,000 years old based predominately on genealogies (in Genesis). They come up with a time grid that they can measure from Adam to the time of the Second Adam, Jesus Christ. The problem with that is the genealogies are incomplete. And we know [this] by testing Scripture in light of Scripture ... One thing we can say is you cannot tell on the basis of the Bible that the world is 6,000 years old.

“If you look at the world that God has made, there are some clues that the Earth may be older than that ...

“For example, we face the reality that nothing travels faster than the speed of light. And that billions of light years separate us from distinct galaxies. And that leads logically to the [conclusion] that the age of the Universe is measured in billions rather than thousands of years.”

-The Bible Answer Man, Hank Hanegraaff, “[URL=]]]Question & Answers[/URL],” August 10, 2011

Does this sound logical?

News Item1/11/12 4:49 PM
Not your pope  Find all comments by Not your pope
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reality without a pope wrote:
Is your name Thomas Aquinas?
If not do you ever use your own words to pray?
Rather than praying 'in' Thomas Aquinas do you ever pray 'in' the Spirit iaw Scripture?
Rom 8:26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with
groanings which cannot be uttered.
When singing a hymn you pray twice.

If you read it, you pray only once.

And who writes your hymns?

News Item1/11/12 10:17 AM
Not your pope  Find all comments by Not your pope
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for not your pope wrote:
This is just as sad as all the Roman Catholic priests who have and continue to molest young boys, is this a trend in the Roman Catholic church, along with baby trafficking?
Tell me nyp, how can one defend a denomination that is riddled with lies, immoral behavior, and still call their leader 'holy father'?
Apples and oranges.

In this case pastors Young are teaching nonsense.

Roman Catholic Church teaching has always protected the least of these from conception to natural death.

That there is a pastor who hurts children is on him.

St. John Chrysostom:

“Hell is paved with priests' skulls”

"Everyone to whom much is given, much is required."

This also applies to the Youngs and their millions of followers.

News Item1/11/12 8:04 AM
Not your pope  Find all comments by Not your pope
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Observer wrote:
Only because they believed contrary to the RCC doctrines. Most Roman Catholics, because they no nothing of Sola Fide, are hell bound!
That's what Joseph Smith said. Until he entered the 19th Century theological stage with his theological novums under arm all were damned.

All Roman Catholics were damned until Luther finally came on the scene with his Sola Fide?

A likely, but uninteresting, story.

News Item1/10/12 11:19 PM
Not your pope  Find all comments by Not your pope
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Carlos wrote:
Catholics were saved by grace.
Thank you. And we always will be.

If you have further questions about the Roman Catholic Church feel-free to contact [URL=]]]Reformed Baptist Pastor Trevor Hammack[/URL] who is studying at the [URL=]]]Catholic Distance University[/URL] to better understand the truth about the Church rather than the overwhelming rumor, myth and conjecture as are often disseminated on SA.

News Item1/10/12 9:26 PM
Not your pope  Find all comments by Not your pope
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Sola Fide trumps pride. According to this, Luther's Circa 1521 "theological novum" (Pastor and theological scholar, Alister McGrath), even pride cannot keep you out of Heaven.

BTW: How were Roman Catholics saved before Luther walked on the theological stage carrying his Sola Fide under arm?

News Item1/10/12 8:51 PM
Not your pope  Find all comments by Not your pope
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Mike wrote:
Is there something in what you read of this pastor and pastorette than would lead you to think they're evangelical? I couldn't find it.
"The term evangelical has generally come to mean Protestants who emphasize personal conversion; evangelism; the authority, primacy and inerrancy of the Bible; and the belief that Jesus’ death reconciled God and humans."
-Religion Writers Dictionary

Perhaps this growing number of new co-pastorates, by definition, places each one outside the circle of Evangelical orthodoxy.

News Item1/10/12 3:13 PM
Not your pope  Find all comments by Not your pope
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John UK wrote:
Thanks Neil, yes I have read about the stylite many years ago, and was intrigued about him, and the many pole-sitters who followed his example. I guess it would be difficult now to get planning consent for such a venture.
The closest I got to it was in the 80's when I would climb atop a fish crate in the town centre on a Saturday and preach the good news of Jesus Christ to the shoppers. But then it was only for an half hour, so I never got a saints-day.

St. John (UK) does have a ring to it, doesn't it?

News Item1/10/12 2:16 PM
Not your pope  Find all comments by Not your pope
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Neil wrote:
Ever hear of [URL=]]]Simeon Stylites[/URL], who lived atop a pillar? Now there's an ascetic nutjob.
Today's analog? Pastors Ed and Lisa Young "bed-in" high atop their vast church to promote their latest book, "[URL=]]]Sexperiment[/URL]."

One man's "religious stupidity" is another's sacred calling?

Perhaps this applies to Governor Romney who believes that Christianity was completely apostate for 1,800 years until his "prophet," Joseph Smith, found and translated ancient Egyptian gold plates (in NY state) into English with the help of seer stones?

Who's less of a "nutjob": Obama, Romney or the Youngs?

News Item1/10/12 1:52 PM
Not your pope  Find all comments by Not your pope
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Mike wrote:
"come out of her my people,"
And to the Bible reader, "her" specifically refers to what organization?

News Item1/10/12 11:20 AM
Not your pope  Find all comments by Not your pope
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There are two ends of this spectrum:

(a.) the modern Protestant thinking "no church required" (via a superficial reading of the the Bible) and

(b.) the Reformers' "necessity of the church" (discovered through a deeper understanding of the biblical text):

The mother of Philip Melanchthon [Luther's protégé] had followed her son in the Protestant Reformation. Dying, she adjured him to tell her unreservedly in which faith she should die. He answered:

"My mother, the new [Protestant] faith is the most convenient; the other is most secure."

At the end of the day, which end of this spectrum is more secure:
(a.) or (b.)?

Why, too, is Calvin absolutely sold-out on Church membership and attendance to ensure you arrive in Heaven?

News Item1/10/12 9:57 AM
Not your pope  Find all comments by Not your pope
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Yes attending church for someone who is Born Again and for anyone else is important. But attending church and being a member of a church is totally superfluous to salvation and gaining entrance into Heaven because nowhere in the Bible is church membership mentioned as being requirement for salvation and gaining entrance into Heaven.
Although, above is accurate for modern Protestants, it's not been followed by all Protestants over these 500 years:

"Those to whom he is a Father, the Church must also be a mother."
-John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book IV, Chapter i, Section i ([URL=]]]The Necessity of the Church[/URL])

News Item1/10/12 12:26 AM
Not your pope  Find all comments by Not your pope
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According to Mr. Bieber and Protestants on SA, church attendance is optional. You can be a Christian without joining or even visiting a church they say.

But, if all Protestants followed this advice, what would be left of the Reformation?

News Item1/9/12 8:51 PM
Not your pope  Find all comments by Not your pope
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John UK wrote:
weirdo monks
Without these "weirdo monks" we'd have no Bible manuscript, no college and no university. Also, the Bible would've never crisscrossed all of Europe and even swum the English Channel to arrive in Britain.

You mock what you do not understand.

News Item1/9/12 5:58 PM
Not your pope  Find all comments by Not your pope
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Not your pope wrote:
As in the "Doxology," Praise God from whom all Scriptures flow!
John UK wrote:
I'll ignore your irreverent first comment.
That the Scriptures are flowing through the Roman Catholic Church is no minor point. We must praise Him for His Word and the Channel through which it runs down to us after 2,000 years. Even one pure drop is worth more than all rubies and diamonds.

[I've yet to see a Protestant English translation flowing elsewise.]

News Item1/9/12 5:12 PM
Not your pope  Find all comments by Not your pope
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John UK wrote:
Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.
1 Peter 1:23 KJV
So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Romans 10:17 KJV
If man can do nothing, he can at least devote himself to the reading of the scriptures, which are able to make him wise unto salvation.
And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
2 Timothy 3:15 KJV
As in the "Doxology," Praise God from whom all Scriptures flow!

Since the fount of all Protestant English translations is the Roman Catholic Church's manuscripts, do you borrow their tome, read it, then beat him about the head with it who remains in that very fount until he falls out on his fool Protestant crown?

News Item1/9/12 4:29 PM
Not your pope  Find all comments by Not your pope
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Berlake wrote:
But John
Last week you were teaching that all we had to do was repent and be baptised just as taught in Acts 2:38. Then the Spirit will come into our lives.
Have you changed your mind about this? Do you now teach that we cannot repent of our own accord?
If you're presumed dead (20,000 leagues under the sea type of dead), you can't even repent on your own. A fly in the monergist's ointment.

News Item1/9/12 2:58 PM
Not your pope  Find all comments by Not your pope
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It'll take just a few seconds but change the rest of your life. I know, I've heard this from CCC and EE representatives at the door for decades.

Sounds like a fish tale: They've got their Bible in their right hand, but only read to you from this little booklet in their left. And what's on the inside cover of the last page of their little booklet? That right, the "Sinners Prayer" and signature line.

The catch: If you don't pray their apocryphal sinners prayer and sign you can't get saved? That's right. You're caught on their pseudopigraphical hook.

What you win them with, you win them to. "Win, Build, Send"? Sound more like, "Catch, Lobotomize, Program, Press Go."

In this case, they win you to a virtual biblical vacuum. It's no wonder there's not much of an [URL=]]]Evangelical Mind[/URL] left. These CCC and EE legions have all but obliterated it.

Honestly, what, then, is Evangelicalism?

News Item1/9/12 2:45 PM
Not your pope  Find all comments by Not your pope
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for not your pope wrote:
Church attendance is not essential for salvation; those who profess to be born again and yet stay in an apostate church bear very suspect fruit.
Very soon, most of your Protestant brethren will tune into Sunday church via streaming either from home, in coffee shops, etc. You'll get the very best preachers and sermons. No more blah, blah, blah at 11:15 AM from your local lackluster minister.

Perhaps a sofa church is perfectly okay for Reformed Protestants.

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